The Hillsboro Garden Club met Oct. 25 at the Kathryn Zane Granger Floral Hall on the Highland County fairgrounds. After president Judith Stivender called the meeting to order, all present stood and recited the Pledge of Allegiance, and then sang “God Bless America” led by Ed Davis.
The roll call question, “What seeds are you going to plant this fall?” was answered by 12 members and one guest.
Copies of the new 2022-23 program book were distributed and new member Helen Roe was welcomed.
Stivender thanked Andrea Schneider for notifying members of the meeting. Marilyn Hiestand was thanked for providing photos for articles.
The minutes of the September 2022 meeting were accepted as distributed. The treasurer’s report was given by Ruth Anna Duff. The current balance is $2,624.26.
Stivender reported the club has received many positive responses to the Region 16 Fall meeting. Thanks again to all the club members who helped, the Lake View Loft and Shoelaces Catering.
Discussion on several topics followed, but no action was taken.
Hiestand volunteered to be point person for possible upcoming tours.
Larry Moore gave a program on dahlias. The plant originated in Mexico and a true Dahlia can grow to a height of 14 feet.
The meeting was then adjourned. The next meeting will be held a week early on Tuesday, Nov. 15 at 6:30 p.m. All gardeners are welcome.
Submitted by Jennifer West, Hillsboro Garden Club.