Historical society will put history to work


The bucket brigade was used in the 1700s to put out fires. Buckets were to be sitting by the door so they could quickly be grabbed on the way out should a fire erupt. Buckets were filled with water and passed from one person to the next until the water reached the site of the fire. Names were on the buckets so they could promptly be returned to the owner.

The Highland County Historical Society is inviting interested young people to join in a “bucket brigade” on Jan. 13 at 1 p.m. There is no fire to extinguish, but a document room to empty and organize.

Jeff Boester will be organizing the youth group that day following the emptying of the room. The historical society will then renew/refresh the room for the new year.

The youth group of the Highland County Historical Society has three goals: Learn Highland County history, have fun and pay back by participating in helpful projects within the community. The historical society welcomes all children and their parents, and members interested in helping.

Submitted by Vicki Knauff, Highland County Historical Society.

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