Garden club prepares for holidays

President Nancy Baldwin of the Hillsboro Garden Club called the November meeting to order and members recited the Pledge of Allegiance. Fifteen members answered roll call.

Dena Benner and Shelly Rayburn displayed the horticulture exhibit, common name Chinese Evergreen (aglaonema). This native of the Philippines and Malaysia is an easy-care houseplant that does well in low light. In fact, if you give them too much light the leaves will turn pale yellow. Water only when the soil dries out, although they love a daily misting. They produce a white spathe enclosing a white flower cluster and colorful red, yellow and orange berries.

Larry Moore displayed a beautiful oriental design for the refreshment table, a slanting ikebana design featuring holly (ilex) stems and large red anthuriums. This type of design uses a minimum of flowers and branches representing Heaven, Man and Earth displayed in a low water-filled container.

Action was taken on the replacement of entry handrails at Floral Hall, deciding on a theme for our entry in the Hillsboro Holiday Parade, and a final vote on changes to the club’s by-laws. Nancy Sonner reported on a decorating a garden-themed tree at Highland House Museum in the Mother Thompson Room and Larry Moore told of assisting at the OAGC’s decorating efforts at Deer Creek State Park Lodge for their Holiday Open House on Dec. 6 from 11:30 3 p.m.

The group is sending cards and heartfelt recovery wishes to Leona Chavez, who remains hospitalized, and to Ruth Anna Duff battling foot problems.

Beryl Gruelle’s program, “Gardening Tips,” provided many timely tips on growing acid-loving plants, saving your leftover seeds (in a glass jar in the fridge), when to cut back your clematis (late winter) and grapes (after a heavy frost), good nourishment for tomatoes (one teaspoon Epsom salts mixed in planting hole), a good source of calcium for plants (crushed eggshells and oyster shells), keep freshly-cut daffodils in a separate container for one day before combining with other flowers (they are toxic at first), and gave tips for floral arrangers, too.

The meeting was adjourned, and Shelly Rayburn and Dena Benner treated the group to cream-filled pastries and cake, nuts and chips and delicious drinks.

The group then retired to the showroom to begin decorating the float for the holiday parade with at least a million lights. You will see us coming before you hear the bells. Hope to see you there.

Submitted by Carol Gorby, secretary.