Candidates at a glance

At the request of The Times-Gazette, the three candidates for Highland County Commissioner recently answered a questionnaire addressing issues facing Highland County. That story can be found elsewhere on the website. Here’s an at-a-glance look at each candidate.

Tara Matthews Campbell

Age: 35.

Residence: Barrett Mill Road, Bainbridge.

Family: Husband, Todd Campbell, stepdaughter, Madison Johnson.

Party affiliation: Democrat.

Education: McClain High School, University of Rio Grande (B.S. in Social Sciences), University of Cincinnati (M.S. in Criminal Justice and Rehabilitation).

Employment: Military Police Officer United States Marine Corps, substitute teacher, Lighthouse Youth Services Paint Creek, United States Army Reserve, Highland County Children Services, Ohio Department of Job and Family Services, Highland County Community Action (director of Workforce Services, Ohio Means Jobs), co-operator of family farm.

Public office: None.

Alex Butler

Age: 26.

Residence: Highland Drive, Hillsboro.

Family: Stepfather and mother John and Andrea Holt; father, Mark Butler.

Party affiliation: Independent/non-partisan

Education: Hillsboro High School, Cincinnati Christian University (Associates Degree in Biblical Studies), Xavier University (Bachelors Degree in Business Administration).

Employment: Grew up working in the family businesses. Intern for Congressman Mike Turner, Wilmington and Washington, D.C.; Cincinnati Christian University; Jarvis Corp.

Public office: None.

Terry L. Britton

Age: 65.

Residence: Lilly Road, Hillsboro.

Family: Wife, Bonnie, daughter Misty (Craig) Campbell, son TJ (Leah) Britton. Six grandchildren.

Party affiliation: Republican.

Education: Graduate of Leesburg Fairfield High School, COBA Select Sires, Inc., attended Southern State Community College.

Employment: Worked for various Highland County farmers and the Union Stockyards through middle school and high school years. Later worked for Mosler Safe Company. Hobart Corporation 42 years (various positions, last 25 years Facility Manager), retired. Small farm owner/operator, 20 years.

Public office: Hillsboro City School Board, 2nd term.

From left, Tara Campbell, Alex Butler and Terry Britton. left, Tara Campbell, Alex Butler and Terry Britton.