Fairfield fourth-grade girls season champs

The Fairfield fourth-grade girls basketball team finished as Tri-County Youth League regular-season champions with an undefeated 12-0 record. The league consists of Wilmington, Washington Court House, Miami Trace, Clinton-Massie, McClain, Fairfield and East Clinton. Back row, from left, Chad Hamilton, Claire Newkirk, Maddie Caldwell, Halle Jones, MacKenzie Anderson and Mya Hamilton. Front, from left, Hannah Hamilton, Jobey Hattan, Aylah Humphreys, Kassi Miller and Isabelle Brunck.

The Fairfield fourth-grade girls basketball team finished as Tri-County Youth League regular-season champions with an undefeated 12-0 record. The league consists of Wilmington, Washington Court House, Miami Trace, Clinton-Massie, McClain, Fairfield and East Clinton. Back row, from left, Chad Hamilton, Claire Newkirk, Maddie Caldwell, Halle Jones, MacKenzie Anderson and Mya Hamilton. Front, from left, Hannah Hamilton, Jobey Hattan, Aylah Humphreys, Kassi Miller and Isabelle Brunck.
http://aimmedianetwork.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/33/2017/02/web1_fairfieldkidsbasketball.jpgThe Fairfield fourth-grade girls basketball team finished as Tri-County Youth League regular-season champions with an undefeated 12-0 record. The league consists of Wilmington, Washington Court House, Miami Trace, Clinton-Massie, McClain, Fairfield and East Clinton. Back row, from left, Chad Hamilton, Claire Newkirk, Maddie Caldwell, Halle Jones, MacKenzie Anderson and Mya Hamilton. Front, from left, Hannah Hamilton, Jobey Hattan, Aylah Humphreys, Kassi Miller and Isabelle Brunck. Submitted photo