Hillsboro hosts Eastern in boys and girls soccer

The Hillsboro Lady Indians opened their soccer season on Saturday at Hillsboro High School when they hosted the Lady Warriors of Eastern. The Lady Indians failed to capitalize on the home field advantage and the game ended in a 3 – 3 draw.

The Lady Indians took a total of 16 shots for the game with eight of those shots being on goal and on two of them converted for goals.

Both goals scored by Hillsboro were scored in the first half for the Lady Indians. The first goal came off of the foot of Morgan Holland at the 36:53 mark of the first half. The second goal was scored by Callan Myers at 12:06 of the first half. The third goal registered by the Indians was an own goal by the Eastern Lady Warriors at the 25:05 mark of the second half.

Head coach Jeremy Ratcliff said after the game, “It is a tie. I can’t fault their effort, I thought they played hard and things were starting to come together. But, there is still alot of rust on our touches and the pace of play. That is a scrappy Eastern team, they will win a lot of games this year.”

The boys team was up next against the boys from Eastern. The Indians got things going early with four goals in the first 20 minutes of the game.

The Indians went on to win the game by a score of 8 – 1.

The Indians were led by Tyler Loch and Spencer Rudy who both scored two goals. Quinn Conlon chipped in with three assists for the game. Six other players scored or assisted on goals to help push the Indians over the top and allow them to claim an undefeated record after one game.

Both teams will be back in action on Tuesday against Unioto. The girls will travel to Unioto for their match and the boys will host the Sherman’s at Hillsboro High School.

Reach Ryan Applegate at 937-402-2572, or on Twitter @RCApplegate89.

Ladies tie 3 – 3

By Ryan Applegate

[email protected]