McClain girls golf takes 1st place in sectional tournament

The McClain Lady Tigers varsity golf team continued their strong play on Monday at Jaycees Chillicothe Country Club where they shot a 438 as a team to claim the title of Sectional Champions in Southeast district of Division II.

North Adams and Logan Elm shot 446 and 453 respectively to earn the second and third finishing spots and the opportunity to compete in the District Tournament on October 2 at Pickaway Country Club.

Scorers for McClain were led by Bryn Karnes who tallied a 93 on the day. Erika Martin was next for with a 101, Bri Weller shot a 111, Cassidy Willis carded a 133 and Shayna Beatty finished with a 137.

Also advancing to the District Tournament is Fairfield Lady Lion Rachel Schuler who shot an 89 in the tournament to finish in third place and earn a spot in the District tournament as an individual qualifier.

Listed below are the full results for the Sectional Tournament held Monday, September 24, at Jaycess Chillicothe Country Club.

Rank Individual Team Grade

F B Score
1 Maddi Shoults * Westfall 9 43 41 84
2 Brooklynn Tolle North Adams 10 45 41 86
3 Rachel Schuler * Lee. Fairfield 12 44 45 89
4 Lindsey Daniel * West Union 12 46 45 91
5 Bryn Karnes McClain 12 48 45 93
Katey Surratt Logan Elm 12 46 47 93
7 Lynne Dale Logan Elm 12 48 47 95
8 Emily Lott Unioto 10 52 44 96
9 Ella Seeley Westfall 11 49 48 97
10 Nicole Burns Peebles 12 50 51 101
Erika Martin McClain 12 50 51 101
12 Sidney Gray Circleville 11 47 55 102
13 Allison Baughman Crooksville 10 56 48 104
14 Linda Lynch West Union 11 54 53 107
15 Peyton Scott Lynchburg-Clay 12 61 49 110
16 Brianna Weller McClain 10 58 53 111
17 Jessie Crawford North Adams 10 59 55 114
Madison Fulton West Union 11 60 54 114
19 Laken Taylor Crooksville 10 61 55 116
Maddison Hess Circleville 11 58 58 116
Ellie Patterson Fairfield Union 11 57 59 116
22 Kali Coffey Crooksville 10 54 65 119
Lauren Crabtree Circleville 12 64 55 119
24 Madison Humphrey North Adams 10 60 61 121
25 Serena Smith Lynchburg-Clay 11 59 63 122
26 Carrington McGlothin Peebles 9 67 57 124
Keala Cline Fairfield Union 10 62 62 124
28 Jacklyn Humphrey North Adams 10 64 61 125
29 Hannah Lecrone Fairfield Union 9 67 59 126
India Williams Lynchburg-Clay 9 65 61 126
31 Savannah Osborne Washington 9 64 63 127
Grace Poole Westfall 12 64 63 127
Jessica Underwood Logan Elm 12 57 70 127
34 Josie Campbell Manchester 12 62 66 128
35 Helena Haslett Circleville 11 61 68 129
36 McKenzie Smith Manchester 12 62 68 130
37 Kileigh Mitchell Manchester 9 65 66 131
Bre Flint Lee. Fairfield 11 70 61 131
39 Jenna Howdyshell New Lexington 9 63 69 132
40 Cassidy Willis McClain 12 68 65 133
Larissa Clift North Adams 10 66 67 133
Emma Winland Paint Valley 9 65 68 133
Darrrington White Manchester 12 66 67 133
44 Jaclyn Burchett Northwest 10 69 65 134
45 Haley Carter Huntington Ross 9 68 67 135
46 Sydney Belville Fairfield Union 9 68 68 136
Alexis Tompkins Lee. Fairfield 11 72 64 136
48 Shayna Beatty McClain 9 70 67 137
Haley Hixson Washington 12 57 80 137
50 Zoe Barnes Logan Elm 12 67 71 138
51 Anna McElwee Peebles 11 74 65 139
52 Morgan Ealy Circleville 12 73 67 140
Natalie Shope Zane Trace 9 70 70 140
54 Grace Hackney Manchester 9 71 70 141
55 Zoe Weston Lynchburg-Clay 9 71 71 142
56 Maddy Amspaugh Logan Elm 12 82 61 143
57 Raven Haithcock Washington 12 73 73 146
58 Grace Richmond Adena 11 74 74 148
59 Kayce Martin Westfall 12 78 77 155
60 Breanna Taylor Washington 12 81 75 156
61 Kaelin White Peebles 10 89 68 157
62 Emily Zartman Crooksville 10 80 78 158
63 Abby Davis Lee. Fairfield 11 84 80 164
64 Eryne Croker Washington 9 86 80 166
65 Jasmine Francis Peebles 11 91 86 177
66 Sofie Teeter West Union 11 116 122 238
67 Hannah Blythe West Union 9 134 130 264

Reach Ryan Applegate at 937-402-2572, or on Twitter @RCApplegate89.

By Ryan Applegate

[email protected]