Honoring Serpent Mound

While to some, the Serpent Mound near Peebles is seen as simply a unique earthwork, to others, it is a place of rebirth and mystical energy, a place that should be honored a revered.

In celebration of that, the Serpent Mound Spring Seed And Water Blessing, Music Peace Summit will be held March 22-24 at the nearby Soaring Eagle Retreat.

“It’s a gathering of like-minded follo

wers of old traditions from around the world,” said Thomas Johnson, one of the event organizers. “It’s a gathering we hold each year to honor the equinox and time of planting.”

Thomas said that while not many local people attend the event, Native Americans come from across the country and visitors come from around the globe.

He said that Serpent Mound has similarities to places like Fort Ancient, England’s Stonehenge, native American mounds in Newark and other places in that it is place where seeds can be “regenerated.”

“It has something to do with the sun and the earth’s energy, and the position of the earth at that time of year,” Johnson said. “We place seeds on the mound for a few hours, people take them home and plant them, and for some reason they do better.”

The Soaring Eagle retreat is a primitive private property adjacent to the Serpent Mound. It was part of the Old Serpent Mound Farm.

Some of the activities and attractions this year will include: Chief Golden Light, Azteca dancers, drumming, storytelling, seed blessing and water ceremonies, musicians, sound healers, workshops, speakers, vendors and a celebration of life for Grandfather Lou WhiteEagle.

Johnson said it is a family-friendly event with no drinking, drugs or nudity permitted.

“We ask for peace and reverence; a place to walk in a beauty way,” a news release said.

“The event will also honor the spring equinox by bringing together delegations from the Americas and all around the world to talk and pray, about and for, international peace. Its message is: ‘It takes a village, all nations, all races, all my relations,’” a separate news release said.

Soaring Eagle Retreat is located at 375 Horner Chappell Rd., Peebles.

Daily admission is $15 with preregistration discounts for $11 available at: www.eventbrite.com/e/serpent-mound-star-knowledge-seed-water-music-peace-summit-tickets-55587436519.

Camping will be available onsite with details available in the main event listing. The event is sponsored by the nonprofit Friends of Serpent Mound, as well as Serpent Mound Star Knowledge Peace Summit We Are Peace. The event is seeking artists and vendors who can visit the link at www.facebook.com/events/223126411969696 for details. The cost is $100 for a 10-foot by 10-foot booth for all or part of the three-day event. It includes free camping behind the booth.

The hours are Friday, March 22 from 10 a.m. to 9 p.m., Saturday, March 23 from 10 a.m. to 9 p.m., and Sunday, March 24 from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.

“Visitors may bring their seeds as they will not only get the benefit of the sound vibration, but also be will be blessed at the mound by the Friends of Serpent Mound,” event founders said in a news release. “It will be these seeds that will be planted by the people; the pollen from the flowers will be carried by the bees and wind all over the world. The power of these seeds is the power of creation, the planting of a new world of peace. The peace summit was gifted a peace pole by Chief Golden Light Eagle which was made by the late Chief Blue Star Eagle. The community will join in praying for peace as the peace pole brings light and carries good intentions for all the world.”

Johnson said proceeds from the event will be used to purchase a new tent for future events and for housing and other expenses for the speakers.

Camping spots are available for $22 a night and bunks for $33 a night by contacting Carla Poluha at [email protected].

Johnson said that while some people frown on the event, others around the globe celebrate it.

“There’s never any disputes or anything bad going on,” he said. “It’s a clean crowd of like-minded people interested in preserving the earth. We’re out there just trying to support something that’s good.”

Jeff Gilliland can be reached at 937-402-2522.

This aerial view of Serpent Mound was provided by the Serpent Mound Spring Seed And Water Blessing Music Peace Summit.
http://www.timesgazette.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/33/2019/02/web1_Serpent-Mound-aerial.jpgThis aerial view of Serpent Mound was provided by the Serpent Mound Spring Seed And Water Blessing Music Peace Summit. Submitted photo

Seeds like this will be blessed during a March 22-24 celebration near Serpent Mound.
http://www.timesgazette.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/33/2019/02/web1_Serpent-Mound-seeds.jpgSeeds like this will be blessed during a March 22-24 celebration near Serpent Mound. Submitted photo
Peace summit planned March 22-24

By Jeff Gilliland

[email protected]