Hillsboro boy state archery champion

Hillsboro resident Logan Watson has qualified for this weekend’s 2023 Eastern S3DA 3D National Championship Archery Shoot in Illinois.

Submitted photo

Fourteen-year-old Hillsboro resident Logan Watson won youth male pins and was named Ohio State Champion of the S3DA state archery shoot on June 10 in Chillicothe at the Ross County Bow Hunters Club.

Watson went to a shoot as an independent, where he won first place and was approached and asked to be on a team. He then decided to join the Northwest Shooting Sports out of Beaver, where he was welcomed with open arms. Since joining the team it has allowed him to travel to many different S3DA shoots such as one in Defiance, where he also placed first and was a regional qualifier. He also won another S3DA qualifier in Beaver, which allowed him to participate in the state shoot.

Watson had to shoot a two-round, twenty-target which qualified him to go to the 2023 Eastern S3DA 3D National Championship which will be held at Rend Lake, Illinois where Watson will participate in another 20-target two-round shoot for national champion June 15-18.

Watson has put a lot of time, patience and dedication into his archery competitions. He will be heading to the national archery competition in Benton, Illinois next week.

He is the son of Kari Jacob and Dustin Watson and the grandson of Curt and Laura Hawkins, and Lisa Oppy.

Submitted by Kari Jacob.