What should we be grateful for at Thanksgiving?

In reading Thanksgiving poems, I came across this clever writing by Edgar A. Guest: “When turkey’s on the table lain, And good things I may scan, I’m thankful that I wasn’t made a vegetarian.”

Vegetarians and carnivores alike should be grateful for this Thanksgiving prayer written by Steve, 10: “Dear Lord, thank you for my dear family and that none of them have been hurt physically. Thank you for my food, clothes and house. Lord, I especially pray for our police officers, our country and president. Give him wisdom to make the right choices.

“Thank you for sending your son to die for us. Thank you for all my blessings. Amen!”

The Apostle Paul called for all Christians to pray for “kings and all who are in authority,” (I Timothy 2:1). All Christians, regardless of your political persuasion, should pray for the president, his cabinet, the Congress, governors, military leaders, firefighters, police officers and other government authorities.

I confess that I often take for granted the peaceful conditions in which I live in South Texas. All I have to do is travel about 30 miles to the Mexican border to realize why I should be giving thanks. If you ever have an opportunity to befriend a police officer, you’ll learn about the challenges the police face every day so that we can live in peace.

Even if you don’t patrol the streets with a gun in your holster, you can pull the trigger in the spiritual realm by praying for those in authority. The Bible tells us there’s a realm where demonic rulers war against God’s angels and God’s people for the control of nations (Daniel 10:4-14). The battle is hot, the casualties are real and the consequences eternal.

Let’s be thankful for victory in the greatest battle, says Karla, 11: “This Thanksgiving, we should be grateful for what the Lord has done for us, and what he let his wonderful, loving son do for us. Jesus Christ gave his life for our sins without complaining or even worrying what would happen to him. Even though Jesus Christ died at 33, he still lives inside of all of us, if you let him in.”

I’m glad you made it clear, Karla, that Jesus lives today.

Be grateful that Jesus looked evil in the eye and didn’t blink. When falsely accused at his trials, he didn’t answer. When mocked and spit upon, he refused to retaliate. When nailed to a cross, he asked his Father to forgive his tormentors. But when placed in a tomb after his murderers thought they had won, he burst the bonds of death to give eternal life to all who believe in him.

“This Thanksgiving, I am most thankful for being safe,” says Shelby, 11. “I am part of a great American body and under God’s control. I am thankful that God is a part of me, and I can trust he will take care of me. I will keep trusting God.”

We’re glad to be Americans, but we must remember that America is not unshakable or eternal. Everyone who belongs to Jesus, however, is part of an everlasting kingdom. As the Bible says, “So let us be thankful because we have a kingdom that cannot be shaken,” (Hebrews 12:28 NCV).

Happy Thanksgiving!

Kids Talk About God is designed for families to study the Bible together. Research shows that parents who study the Bible with their children give their character, faith and spiritual life a powerful boost. To receive Kids Talk About God three times a week in a free, email subscription, visit www.KidsTalkAboutGod.org/email.