
It’s a community effort

The Highland County Fair is about promoting youth and agriculture, but it takes general admission ticket sales to pay the bills, a fair official...

Grandmother takes first horse ride at 99

At age 99, Ruth Burnfield still has a few surprises left in her.She recently was enjoying an afternoon with her granddaughter, Melissa Mace, who...

A life lesson reaffirmed

I have been physically active for as long as I can remember. Of course, the definition of being physically active a couple of weeks...

A tumbler into mad-cap cup lunacy

The fanciest cup I ever owned as a single man was made by Tupperware. It was really sturdy plastic. It kept drinks cold for...

It’s that time of year again

It almost seems like Mother Nature knew it was coming. The pleasant days and cool evenings she has provided lately felt like a harbinger...

Old friends stay connected

My Uncle Patsy squatted down on the sidewalk in front of our house in Port William as I fired fastball after fastball to him.Patsy...

The value of a porch cat

He just showed up one day seven years ago. Friendly and dressed in a tuxedo, hoping for an invite to dinner. I resisted at...

What happened to drive-in theatres?

Recently, I posed a question on my station’s Facebook page asking if anyone could name any of the old drive-in theatres that used to...

Nothing more, nothing less

Usually, when someone responds negatively to something I have published in this space, I ignore it, figuring everyone has an opinion, and they deserve...

The scourge of your summer driving

I’m that guy, the scourge of your summer highway driving.The one driver who’s driving the variable “work zone” speed limit while you’re zooming by.I...