
Hillsboro’s 76 points a record?

As is usually the case when I leave the office on an autumn Friday evening, I turned on my radio last Friday to see...

Special ‘links’ for White House visit

I have known Dr. Willard Lane for the better part of my life. As a matter of fact, knowing Dr. Lane is a better...

What’s up with the orange lights?

During a recent trip across southern Ohio my friend and mine’s phone batteries and camera died even though we had just fully charged our...

After six years, the Hastings Resistance eyes a victory

The parallels between Drew Hastings and Donald Trump have always been striking, both for the reasons that some people support them and the reasons...

I know Mr. Haley, I know

Lining the walls of my garage are several pieces of memorabilia. Most of them are related to sports one way or another, but one...

Perfect harmony in Hillsboro

It was a beautiful spring day. Temperatures were in the lower 70s, skies were blue and birds were singing. Families, friends, workers on their...

Abnormal ears found in cornfields

Harvest progress was halted abruptly with several inches of rain last week. Only a limited amount of field work was seen by late week.Looking...

Downtown Redevelopment Districts, and uptown, downtown, even at the fairground

When any municipality has the opportunity to attach Tax Increment Financing (TIF) to a project or district, the only question should be, “How soon...

At home down on the farm

For most of my life I was never much of an animal owner. It’s not that I don’t like animals, I really do. Maybe...

Johnny Paycheck and Clinton County

Gary Abernathy’s recent article in The Times Gazette about the new television show detailing the wild life and times of country music star and...