
A ‘cold war’ with an imperial China

China just celebrated the 72nd anniversary of the People’s Republic of China. One has to be impressed with the accelerated growth of the Chinese...

A day spent with old friends

I spent yesterday with old friends.It used to be that I would follow the use of “old friends” with the disclaimer that they were...

Time keeps on slipping…

Time has a way of slipping away faster with each passing year, and sometimes with its passing comes the regret of words left unsaid....

‘The play is the thing’

There’s the ironic expression, “Break a leg!” offered as good-luck encouragement to a thespian before a theatrical performance, but the phrase may have had...

Farm belt hope and despair

The USDA’s Economic Research Services reports that there are 77,800 farms in Ohio, with 13,600,00 acres. That’s a lot to manage.According to the Centers...

‘Glip Glop rocky mop pop’

When I was 8 or 9, I played a game that I invented with my friends.On index cards, alphabetized in a recipe box, were...

Dreaming of the fabulous five

John Lennon of the Beatles was a dreamer who loved sleep. He even wrote a song about sleep and dreams after his wife once...

Gather ye rosebuds while ye may

I have a stand on my desk that says: “I am kind of a big deal.” I sort of stole it from Ron Burgundy...

Abortion in the United States

Abortion is a very controversial topic in our nation, and it has been a hot-button political issue for my entire lifetime. For most of...

Effects of a global economy

Not too long ago, a lead story in the Wall Street Journal opened with this: “Global supply-chain bottlenecks are feeding off one another, with...