
A slice of Election Day pizza

The first Tuesday after the first Monday in November means something special to everyone working in a newspaper newsroom.It means Election Day pizza arrives!Admittedly,...

Five pounds of canine cuteness

There are few things that can excite an 11- and 9-year-old more than the impending arrival of their first pet that doesn’t live in...

Some things may be clearing up

Mark Twain once said, “Sometimes I wonder whether the world is being run by smart people who are putting us on, or by imbeciles...

It’s time for the turmoil to end

At a local Veterans Day event this week, someone made the comment that, despite all the turmoil in our nation these days, more than...

Nothing like freshly baked bread

“I’m going to bake bread!” my husband, Peter, announced.Inwardly, I said, “Oh, no.”Baking bread is not easy — until it is. Every person I...

Would the WPA work today?

Whatever side you may be on, the whole idea of giving or receiving a gift brings joy. It makes us feel special when someone...

Highland County health checkup

The nation’s presidential race was historic, big enough to obscure other voting booth outcomes. So, allow me to highlight a Highland County outcome: public...

A celebrity among dogs

I am a celebrity among the neighborhood dogs.By now, I have been giving out dog treats on my daily walk for several months. If...

Headline: 112-year-old man dies

There was Methuselah, the biblical figure who lived to be 969, and then there was John H. Davis.As happens from time to time, I...

A bunny’s return visit

Editor’s note — This guest column was written by Hillsboro resident Cheryl Collier in 2019.It had been a cold dreary winter. Spring was coming...