Lynchburg Three Arts Club


The May 21 meeting of the Lynchburg Three Arts Club was held at the home of Wendy Johnson.

President Doris Randolph called the meeting to order. The minutes were given by secretary Colleen Mount. They were approved. The roll call was answered by members naming their favorite dessert. The treasurer’s report, given by Becky Shaffer, was approved.

Under new business, the theme for the historical decorations next Christmas will be Silver Bells.

The club selected officers for next year. They will be: Ellen Pennington, president; Denise Kuntz, vice president; Colleen Mount, secretary; Becky Davidson, treasurer; Nancy Lippert, flower chairman; and Nancy Shaffer, reporter.

There was an auction for the birthday gifts each person brought with part of the money going to a local food pantry.

The hostess served a delicious dessert course.

Submitted by Nancy Shaffer, club reporter.

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