DAR awards county essay winners

The Waw-wil-a-way Chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution presented Good Citizenship Awards to area high school seniors for their essays. Receiving her award at the meeting was Abby Mustard from McClain. Regent Elissa Zornes will present the award for the winning essay to Sidney Sanders at the Fairfield Board of Education meeting. Other school winners not in attendance were Madalyn Ross, Hillsboro High; and Carson Emery, Whiteoak High School. Members donated items this month to the Southern Ohio Pregnancy Center in Hillsboro. Some of the members are shown with donated items.

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The Waw-wil-a-way Chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution presented Good Citizenship Awards to area high school seniors for their essays. Receiving her award at the meeting was Abby Mustard from McClain. Regent Elissa Zornes will present the award for the winning essay to Sidney Sanders at the Fairfield Board of Education meeting. Other school winners not in attendance were Madalyn Ross, Hillsboro High; and Carson Emery, Whiteoak High School. Members donated items this month to the Southern Ohio Pregnancy Center in Hillsboro. Some of the members are shown with donated items.