Community Calendar


Highland County House of Prayer, Inc., 6:30-8:30 p.m., home of Marvin and Becky Gotherman, 100 West Union Pike, Hillsboro.

Highland Horse Council, 7 p.m.

Greenfield Rotary Club, 11:30 a.m., Greenfield Eagles.

Highland Lodge #38 F.& A.M., 7:30 p.m.

AmVets Post 61 euchre, 11541 North Shore Dr., 5:30 p.m.

Marine Corps League Department of Ohio Detachment, 7:30 p.m., Grandpa Keltz’s Country Corner, 10551 North Shore Dr., Rocky Fork Lake, Hillsboro.

Alcoholics Anonymous, 8 p.m., Peace Lutheran Church, 231 Harry Sauner Rd., Hillsboro.

Al-Anon, 8 p.m., Peace Lutheran Church, 231 Harry Sauner Rd., Hillsboro.

Alcoholics Anonymous, Sisters in Sobriety, women’s closed discussion, 6 p.m., St. Mary’s Episcopal Church, 234 North High St., Hillsboro.


Overeaters Anonymous, 12 p.m., Family Recovery Services.


AmVets Post 61 Bingo, 11541 North Shore Dr., doors open at 5:30 p.m. and Bingo begins at 7 p.m.

Alcoholics Anonymous, 6:30 p.m., Hillsboro Beginners Group, open discussion, St. Mary’s Episcopal Church, 234 North High St., Hillsboro.

Alcoholics Anonymous, 8 p.m., Friday Night Group, open lead, St. Mary’s Episcopal Church, 234 North High St., Hillsboro.

Reformers Unanimous, 7-9 p.m., support for all types of addiction, Southern Baptist Church, 106 Rice Dr., West Union, call 937-587-1797 or 937-544-4110 for more information.


Alcoholics Anonymous, 9 a.m., Sunshine Group, Chairman’s Choice, Southern State Community College, Room 203 and 204, 100 Hobart Dr., Hillsboro.

Alcoholics Anonymous, 8 p.m., Greenfield Freedom Group, open discussion, First Presbyterian Church, 457 Jefferson St., Greenfield.

ReaLife Church, “Real Hope for Real People,” come as you are, non-judgmental. Pastor Anthony “Skip” Skipworth, Lead Pastor, 230 W. South St., Hillsboro. Sunday 10:30 a.m. and 6:30 p.m.

Al-Anon, 8 p.m., Presbyterian Church, 457 Jefferson St., Greenfield, church basement.


Save the Lake Association, 7:30 p.m., Rocky Fork Activity Center.

TOPS (Take Off Pounds Sensibly), 5:30 p.m., St. Mary’s Episcopal Church, 234 North High St., Hillsboro.

Alcoholics Anonymous, 6:30 p.m., HOYPAA Group, open discussion, FRS Counseling Inc., 313 Chillicothe Ave. (U.S. 50 East), Hillsboro (use door 4).

Alcoholics Anonymous, 8 p.m., TWMIG Group, open lead, First Baptist Church, 125 N. Washington St., Greenfield.


Tops, 6 p.m., Tree of Life, 545 N. 6th St., Greenfield.

Narcotics Anonymous, 6:30-8 p.m., Peace Lutheran Church, 231 Harry Sauner Rd., Hillsboro. Call 937/763-0750, Arnold.

Paint Valley Antique Machinery Club, 7 p.m., Bainbridge Methodist Church.

Parkinson’s Support Group, 1 p.m., Ross County Senior Citizens Center, 1824 Western Ave., Chillicothe. For information, call 740/773-8145.

H.O.P.E. (Helping Other People Express) Support Group.

Lynchburg Historical Society, 6:30 p.m., Lynchburg Branch Library.

Veterans of Foreign Wars Auxiliary #9094, 7 p.m., V.F.W. Post building, 1000 West Main St., Hillsboro.

South Salem United Methodist Women, 7:30 p.m.

Southwestern Ohio Toy Tractor Club, 7 p.m., Times-Gazette Media Room, 108 Governor Trimble Place, Hillsboro.

Elks #361, 8 p.m., Elks Lodge, Danville Pike, Hillsboro.

Veterans of Foreign Wars Post #9094, 7:30 p.m., V.F.W. Post building, 1000 West Main St., Hillsboro.

Rotary Club, 11:45 a.m., Ponderosa Banquet Center, Hillsboro.

AmVets Post 61 euchre, 11541 North Shore Dr., 5:30 p.m.

Alcoholics Anonymous, Beginners Group, 7 p.m., First Baptist Church, 127 South West St., Hillsboro (use rear door).

Alcoholics Anonymous, 8:30 p.m., Tuesday Night Discussion Group, closed discussion, First Baptist Church, 127 South West St., Hillsboro (use rear door).

Celebrate Victory, “real help for life’s struggles,” 7 p.m., ReaLife Church, 230 W. South St., Hillsboro. Come as you are, non-judgmental. Anthony “Skip” Skipworth, lead pastor.


Lynchburg Boy Scout Troop #120, 7 p.m., Lynchburg Lions Club.

Greenfield Veterans of Foreign Wars Auxiliary, 7:30 p.m.

Hillsboro Fraternal Order of Eagles Aerie #1161, 7 p.m.

Union Ladies Aid, 7:30 p.m., Union Church of Christ.

Highland County World War I Auxiliary, 1:30 p.m.

Highland County Soil and Water Conservation District, 8 a.m., Highland SWCD office, 514 Harry Sauner Rd., Hillsboro.

Al-Anon, noon to 1 p.m., First United Methodist Church Parlor, 133 East Walnut St., Hillsboro.

Alcoholics Anonymous 7:30 p.m., Serenity Group, Big Book/12&12 Study, FRS Counseling Inc., 313 Chillicothe Ave. (U.S. 50 East), Hillsboro (use door 4).


Highland County House of Prayer, Inc., 6:30-8:30 p.m., home of Marvin and Becky Gotherman, 100 West Union Pike, Hillsboro.

Greenfield Rotary Club, 11:30 a.m., Greenfield Eagles.

Greenfield Lions Club, 7 p.m.

Hillsboro Chapter #40 R.A.M., 7:30 p.m.

New Petersburg Social Civic Club, 2 p.m.

Cherry Twig, 1 p.m.

Mary Martha Circle, 9 a.m.

Hillsboro Retail Merchants, 8 a.m.

Questers, 7:30 p.m.

Hillsboro Lions Club, 7 p.m., basement meeting room of the Highland County Administration Building, Hillsboro.

AmVets Post 61 euchre, 11541 North Shore Dr. 5:30 p.m.

Alcoholics Anonymous, 8 p.m., Peace Lutheran Church, 231 Harry Sauner Rd., Hillsboro.

Al-Anon, 8 p.m., Peace Lutheran Church, 231 Harry Sauner Rd., Hillsboro.

Alcoholics Anonymous, Sisters in Sobriety, women’s closed discussion, 6 p.m., St. Mary’s Episcopal Church, 234 North High St., Hillsboro.


Missions Group, 7 p.m., Hillsboro Church of Christ, 155 West Walnut St.

AmVets Post 61 Bingo, 11541 North Shore Dr., doors open at 5:30 p.m. and Bingo begins at 7 p.m.

Alcoholics Anonymous, 6:30 p.m., Hillsboro Beginners Group, open discussion, St. Mary’s Episcopal Church, 234 North High St., Hillsboro.

Alcoholics Anonymous, 8 p.m., Friday Night Group, open lead, St. Mary’s Episcopal Church, 234 North High St., Hillsboro.

Reformers Unanimous, 7-9 p.m., support for all types of addiction, Southern Baptist Church, 106 Rice Dr., West Union, call 937-587-1797 or 937-544-4110 for more information.


Alcoholics Anonymous and Alanon meetings, 10-11 a.m., Rainsboro Methodist Church.

Boy Scout Troop #171, 9-11 a.m., Camp Bowage off Greystone Drive, Hillsboro. For more information call 393-9065.

Clay Township Farm Bureau, 7:30 p.m.


Alcoholics Anonymous, 9 a.m., Sunshine Group, Chairman’s Choice, Southern State Community College, Room 203 and 204, 100 Hobart Dr., Hillsboro.

Alcoholics Anonymous, 8 p.m., Greenfield Freedom Group, open discussion, First Presbyterian Church, 457 Jefferson St., Greenfield.

Al-Anon, 8 p.m., Presbyterian Church, 457 Jefferson St., Greenfield, church basement.

Hillsboro Christian Academy monthly meal, 11:30 a.m. to 2 p.m., Hillsboro Church of the Nazarene Annex, 8230 U.S. 50 east in Hillsboro. Suggested $5 donation with proceeds going to the Hillsboro Christian Academy Scholarship Fund.


Highland County Veterans Service Commission, 5 p.m., Highland County Veterans Service Office, Hi-Tech Center, 1575 North High St., Hillsboro.

Save the Lake Association, 7:30 p.m., Rocky Fork Activity Center.

Greenfield Fraternal Order of Eagles Ladies Auxiliary 1325, 7:30 p.m., at the lodge.

Southern Ohio Power Boat Association, 6 p.m., Rocky Fork Activity Center.

Rocky Fork Decorative Artists, 6 p.m., Administration Building basement, Governor Foraker Place, Hillsboro.

Pieceful Stitchers Quilt Club, 7 p.m., Lynchburg Public Library.

Greenfield Fraternal Order of Eagles Auxiliary, 7:30 p.m.

Order of Eastern Star #441, 7:30 p.m., Masonic Temple, North High Street, Hillsboro.

TOPS (Take Off Pounds Sensibly), 5:30 p.m., St. Mary’s Episcopal Church, 234 North High St., Hillsboro.

Alcoholics Anonymous, 6:30 p.m., HOYPAA Group, open discussion, FRS Counseling Inc., 313 Chillicothe Ave. (U.S. 50 East), Hillsboro (use door 4).

Alcoholics Anonymous, 8 p.m., TWMIG Group, open lead, First Baptist Church, 125 N. Washington St., Greenfield.

Dodson Township Trustees Meeting, 7:30 p.m., Dodson Township Building.

Lynchburg Lions Club, 7 p.m.


Tops, 6 p.m., Tree of Life, 545 N. 6th St., Greenfield.

Narcotics Anonymous, 6:30-8 p.m., Peace Lutheran Church, 231 Harry Sauner Rd., Hillsboro. Call 937/763-0750, Arnold.

Greenfield Church of Christ Women’s Fellowship, 7 p.m.

Highland County Antique Machinery Club, 7:30 p.m., Times-Gazette Media Room, 108 Gov. Trimble Place, Hillsboro.

Hillsdale Lodge #696 Knights of Pythias, 7:30 p.m., 2158 SR 73, Belfast.

Friendly Helpers Circle, 7:30 p.m.

Towne Club.

Hillsboro Fraternal Order of Eagles Auxiliary #1161, 7 p.m., Hillsboro Eagles Lodge.

Extension Homemakers Council, 1 p.m.

Rotary Club, 11:45 a.m., Ponderosa Banquet Center, Hillsboro.

Ioleta Circle, 1:30 p.m.

Veterans of Foreign Wars Post #4794 of Lynchburg, 8 p.m.

United States Coast Guard Auxiliary, 7:30 p.m., activities building at Rocky Fork Lake.

AmVets Post 61 euchre, 11541 North Shore Dr., 5:30 p.m.

Alcoholics Anonymous, Beginners Group, 7 p.m., First Baptist Church, 127 South West St., Hillsboro (use rear door).

Alcoholics Anonymous, 8:30 p.m., Tuesday Night Discussion Group, closed discussion, First Baptist Church, 127 South West St., Hillsboro (use rear door).