18-year-old female sentenced to jail

A Hillsboro woman who is also charged with four felonies appeared on a bench warrant Wednesday in Hillsboro Municipal Court and was sentenced to jail.

The Times-Gazette previously reported that Katherine Page, 18, was indicted in two separate cases on charges of fifth-degree felony trafficking in and possession of heroin, third-degree felony grand theft, and fourth-degree felony grand theft of a motor vehicle.

When Page was in municipal court last month she was found guilty of a probation violation. She was previously convicted of second-degree misdemeanor possession of drug abuse instruments.

Page was sentenced to 90 days in jail on her violation. Court records added that Page could be furloughed into the custody of relatives to “remain with them in their home while attending school.”

On Wednesday, Page appeared on a warrant that was issued earlier this month, according to records. Her previous furlough was revoked, and 71 days in jail were imposed.

In other cases, Vance Bailey, 23, Hillsboro, appeared on a warrant that was issued over a year ago.

Records show that Bailey pled guilty to first-degree misdemeanor assault in February 2014. Half of a 180-day jail sentence was suspended. Bailey was placed on reporting probation and ordered to obtain anger management counseling.

In June of that year, Bailey failed to appear for a review hearing and a warrant was issued for his arrest, according to records. He appeared on that warrant Wednesday and the remaining 90 days in jail were imposed. Bailey’s probation is set to be reviewed in January, records add.

Todd Baucom, 38, Blue Creek, was also sentenced to jail. He appeared for a probation violation hearing after an affidavit was filed by the probation department on Tuesday, records show.

Baucom was found guilty of violations on two past convictions for driving on a suspension, both fourth-degree misdemeanors. A total of 50 days in jail were imposed. He may be furloughed to inpatient treatment, records add.

Also found guilty of a probation violation was Brittany Smith, 35, Greenfield. The Times-Gazette previously reported that Smith entered an agreement in July and pled guilty to second-degree misdemeanor attempting to purchase an illegal amount of pseudoephedrine.

A 90-day jail sentence and a $750 fine were both suspended. Smith was placed on reporting probation and ordered to obtain counseling.

According to records, a warrant was issued for Smith’s arrest last month after an affidavit was filed by the probation department.

On Wednesday, Smith appeared on that warrant. A 30-day jail sentence was imposed. She can be furloughed on Thursday with a negative drug screen.

Amy Marshall, 44, Chillicothe, also appeared on a bench warrant. Records show that it was issued in April when she failed to appear for a review hearing.

Marshall was previously convicted last year of first-degree misdemeanor operating a vehicle under the influence (OVI). She was fined $375 and ordered to complete a three-day driver intervention program. Her license was also suspended for six months.

On Wednesday, she was found guilty of a probation violation. She was sentenced to five days in jail. Records show that she was given credit for five days. Marshall must return to court in March.

Reach Sarah Allen at 937-393-3456, ext. 1680, or on Twitter @SarahAllenHTG.





Defendant also faces felony charges in common pleas court

By Sarah Allen

[email protected]