Ryan signs with Blufton

Lynchburg-Clay’s Morgan Ryan signed his letter of intent to play baseball at Blufton University on Wednesday afternoon. Morgan is a four year starter for Lynchburg. He also plays soccer and basketball. Morgan is pictured (center) with his mother Sara Ryan (left), father Pat Ryan (right), brother Devyn Ryan (back left) and High School Coach Garyn Waits (back right).

Lynchburg-Clay’s Morgan Ryan signed his letter of intent to play baseball at Blufton University on Wednesday afternoon. Morgan is a four year starter for Lynchburg. He also plays soccer and basketball. Morgan is pictured (center) with his mother Sara Ryan (left), father Pat Ryan (right), brother Devyn Ryan (back left) and High School Coach Garyn Waits (back right).
http://aimmedianetwork.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/33/2016/03/web1_Ryan-1.jpgLynchburg-Clay’s Morgan Ryan signed his letter of intent to play baseball at Blufton University on Wednesday afternoon. Morgan is a four year starter for Lynchburg. He also plays soccer and basketball. Morgan is pictured (center) with his mother Sara Ryan (left), father Pat Ryan (right), brother Devyn Ryan (back left) and High School Coach Garyn Waits (back right). submitted photo