Hillsboro High School boys soccer fall preview

The Hillsboro High School Indians touched off their season on Saturday at home against the Eastern Warriors. The team is scheduled to play 16 games on the season with the last game scheduled for October 5 at home against league and cross county rivals the McClain Tigers.

The team returns nine starters from last season’s young and inexperienced squad. The team is coached by John Weber who has been a mainstay on the on the sideline for the Indians over the last seven seasons. The Indians also welcome senior Jacob Burton to the sideline as the statistician for this season. Burton would have been an active member of the roster by was not medically cleared to compete this season.

“Last year we were young and started strong out of the gate and won three in a row. Then we played three really tough schools in a row and we hit the wall and lost all three. The lack of experience caused us to not be able to close out games.”, Weber said. “This year I expect to be different. I look for us to start strong and maintain it. We have a similar situation to last year on the schedule with three strong teams early.”

Weber has high expectations for the team, “My expectations are to have a successful season. We have a couple of seniors that are returning to the program after not playing for a fee years. They are very athletic and they will make a difference for our team.”

“We have several players that are three or four year players. Overall, we are going to lean heavily on those seniors and their leadership. Two of them are four-year letterman.”, Weber said.

Reflecting on the move to the Frontier Athletic Conference coach Weber said, “We are looking forward to a new conference. The big question mark in the air is, ‘how is the conference going to be soccer wise?’ In 11 years, that I know of, Hillsboro hasn’t played Jackson in a scrimmage or a game. Overall I think we have a decent soccer league.”

Reach Ryan Applegate at 937-402-2572, or on Twitter @RCApplegate89.

Members of the Hillsboro Indians boys soccer team take the ball from the Eastern Warriors in a match help Saturday August 19 at Hillsboro High School.
http://www.timesgazette.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/33/2017/08/web1_HHS-Soccer-Preview.jpgMembers of the Hillsboro Indians boys soccer team take the ball from the Eastern Warriors in a match help Saturday August 19 at Hillsboro High School. Ryan Applegate | The Times-Gazette

By Ryan Applegate

[email protected]