Hillsboro High School girls soccer preview

The Hillsboro High School Lady Indians varsity soccer team got their season started at home on Saturday against the Eastern Lady Warriors. The Lady Indians will see their regular season come to an end on the same day as the boys’ team, October 5, at home against the McClain Lady Tigers.

The ladies sport a 16-woman roster that features 11 seniors. The team is coached by Jeremy Ratcliff.

Ratcliff voiced some concerns about the team when he said, “The negative aspect to having so much experience on the team is that there is a sense of familiarity and almost complacency that has set it. I noticed that over the summer and the first two weeks of the season. That is frustrating, we will not reach our full potential if we allow complacency to set it. We are going to have to fight through that.”

“There are several girls that we are looking at to step up and be leaders. There is more to that than on the field production. It has to be the stuff behind the scenes and at the practices that no one else sees but your coaches and teammates.”, said Ratcliff.

Coach Ratcliff reflected on the switch to the Frontier Athletic Conference when he said, “I think the league can still be fairly competitive. Chillicothe and Jackson are both the favorites for the league. At Hillsboro we are always shooting for league titles and district titles. But, I have to give credit where credit is due and those teams deserve credit.”

“Our defense is definitely our strength. They played really well last year and have played well this year. I think our experience is a strength and knowing one another is a strength. We all know what to expect from one another and that will help.”, Ratcliff said.

Reach Ryan Applegate at 937-402-2572, or on Twitter @RCApplegate89.

Members of the Lady Indians soccer team work to move the ball downfield on Saturday August 19 against the Eastern Lady Warriors.
http://www.timesgazette.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/33/2017/08/web1_HHS-Soccer-Preview-Girls.jpgMembers of the Lady Indians soccer team work to move the ball downfield on Saturday August 19 against the Eastern Lady Warriors. Ryan Applegate | The Times Gazette

By Ryan Applegate

[email protected]