Garden Club officers selected

New officers pictured for Hillsboro Garden Club and the coming 2017-19 year term are, from left, returning treasurer Ruth Anna Duff, returning Region 16 Highland County chair representative Nancy Sonner, returning president Nancy Baldwin, newly serving vice president Shelly Rayburn, and newly serving secretary/reporter Jennifer West. The club will be meeting at the Katherine Zane Granger Floral Hall on the Highland County Fairgrounds at 7 p.m. Oct. 24. New members are welcome and the program will feature Francis Larkin speaking about spices. The New World was discovered searching for the flavors that satisfy. The club is interested in each other and helping the love of flowers and community be enriched.

New officers pictured for Hillsboro Garden Club and the coming 2017-19 year term are, from left, returning treasurer Ruth Anna Duff, returning Region 16 Highland County chair representative Nancy Sonner, returning president Nancy Baldwin, newly serving vice president Shelly Rayburn, and newly serving secretary/reporter Jennifer West. The club will be meeting at the Katherine Zane Granger Floral Hall on the Highland County Fairgrounds at 7 p.m. Oct. 24. New members are welcome and the program will feature Francis Larkin speaking about spices. The New World was discovered searching for the flavors that satisfy. The club is interested in each other and helping the love of flowers and community be enriched. officers pictured for Hillsboro Garden Club and the coming 2017-19 year term are, from left, returning treasurer Ruth Anna Duff, returning Region 16 Highland County chair representative Nancy Sonner, returning president Nancy Baldwin, newly serving vice president Shelly Rayburn, and newly serving secretary/reporter Jennifer West. The club will be meeting at the Katherine Zane Granger Floral Hall on the Highland County Fairgrounds at 7 p.m. Oct. 24. New members are welcome and the program will feature Francis Larkin speaking about spices. The New World was discovered searching for the flavors that satisfy. The club is interested in each other and helping the love of flowers and community be enriched.