Hillsboro kindergarten registration

Registration for children who will attend kindergarten in the Hillsboro City School District during the 2018-19 school year will be conducted on Thursday, March 29.

Under Ohio law, children are required to attend public or certain approved private kindergarten classes before being admitted to first grade. Children who will be 5 years old on or before Aug. 1, 2018 are eligible to enroll in kindergarten. Children who will be 6 years of age on or before Aug. 1 must be enrolled in school.

Hillsboro City Schools kindergarten is an all-day program.

Registration will be held at the Hillsboro Elementary School, 500 U.S. Route 62. Children with last names beginning with A-L will register from 9 to 1:30 a.m. Those with the last name beginning with M-Z will register from 1 to 3:30 p.m.

When the child is brought to registration, the parent/guardian should have a certified copy of the child’s birth certificate (must be legible), an up-to-date record of his/her immunizations, the child’s Social Security card, proof of residency (current utility bills with name and address – such as gas, water, electric), parent’s driver’s license, and custody papers, if applicable.

State law requires that no pupil shall be admitted to school at the time of initial entry unless he/she has been immunized against polio, diphtheria, pertussis, tetanus, measles, mumps and rubella (MMR), hepatitis B, and varicella(chickenpox) vaccine. All entering kindergarten students must receive two doses of the varicella vaccine or present written documentation by a doctor or parent stating when the child had the disease. State law also authorizes the building principal to exclude any student who has previously been admitted under the “in process” provision and has not complied with the intervals prescribed by the director of health regarding the completion requirements.

It is very important that all eligible children be registered on March 29. Enrollment figures are necessary if the school is to adequately plan for the coming year. Spring registration reduces the confusion at the beginning of school and enables children to settle into the school routine without additional problems. Also, spring registration can detect physical or medical problems, which can be corrected during the summer. Attending school for the first time is an enormous step in the life of a child and the school wants the children to have the best start possible.

Kindergarten registration will include dental, vision, speech and hearing evaluations. Dr. Tausha Barton and Dr. Leah McConnaughey will provide vision testing services, and Dr. Bryan Nickell and Dr. Lesia McKenna-Langston will provide dental services. Trained volunteers will provide hearing services and distance acuity vision tests.

Tara Williamson, Dillon Davis and Stephanie Hennison, speech therapists for the Hillsboro City Schools, will screen the children for speech problems. Katie Greer, R.N., Hillsboro City School District nurse, will provide general supervision of the kindergarten registration, along with parent volunteers. Cathy Jones, R.N., Amy White, R.N. and Teri Balser, R.N., nurses from Highland District Hospital, and Terra Burton, R.N. and Debbie Hughes, R.N. will assist with immunization checking. Pam Hollon, principal of Hillsboro Early Childhood Center, will be available to answer parents’ questions.

After the certified copy of the birth certificate, immunization record, Social Security card, and proof of residency are checked, the youngster will have dental, eye and hearing examinations. The speech therapists will then check for speech problems. The parents will be informed of the results of the examinations so that correctable problems can be taken care of during the summer.

Plan to bring your child to this kindergarten registration. A good adjustment to school the first year will favorably affect your child’s entire school career.

Submitted by Debora K. Couch, secretary, Hillsboro Early Childhood Center.

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