Library summer reading a success

The Highland County District Library would like to thank the community for participating in this year’s summer reading program.

“Our patrons truly do make our library rock,’” said interim circulation supervisor Sarah Davidson, referencing this year’s program theme.

“We had a great turnout for our different events and activities,” Davidson continued. “We have already started making plans for next year’s program.”

The library also wanted to thank Adena Health System for sponsoring health-related drawings for local kids and teens. Participants were entered in drawings for bikes and iPods after completing logs for healthy decisions, such as exercise and nutritious snacks.

“We had a great response from that program,” Davidson said. “We really want to thank Adena for helping to make our community a healthier place.”

Davidson added that while summer reading may have ended for the year, the library is still a very active and busy place.

“We have clubs for all ages here at the Hillsboro library,” Davidson said. “We have Fandom and Write-Away clubs, for teens and adults, as well as a Lego Club for kids.”

For more information on these clubs or other activities at the library, search “Highland County District Library of Ohio” on Facebook, or call the Hillsboro library at 937-393-3114.

Submitted by Sarah Allen, Highland County District Library.

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