Hillsboro Garden Club holds fall auction

President Nancy Baldwin called the Sept. 24 meeting of the Hillsboro Garden Club to order and welcomed everyone present. The new program booklets were distributed and corrected.

Members stood for the Pledge of Allegiance, followed by a rendition of “God Bless America” led by member Ed Davis. Roll call showed 18 members present, two absent and one guest. The roll call question was “what did you like best about the fair’s flower show?”

Baldwin requested the new officers for 2019-20 to come forward. They are Shelly Rayburn (president), Judith Stinvender (vice president), Ruth Anna Duff (treasurer) and Nancy Sonner (secretary/reporter). Each officer received a decorated marker.

Larry Moore was thanked for his tireless work as county fair coordinator. Baldwin was also thanked for serving as club president. She will now serve as the club’s contact for the Region 16 chair. Teresa Cudkowicz passed the “Sunshine Bag” on to Mary Smith who will serve as the Sunshine Committee.

After Duff presented the financial report, refreshments were shared and the fall auction began. Moore served as auctioneer, ably assisted by Liz Stritenberger and Shelley Rayburn.

The October meeting will be held at Floral Hall on Oct. 22. The November meeting will be at the Highland House and the Christmas party will be announced when plans are finalized.

The gardening tip was “the best annuals for butterflies are cosmos, four o’clock, lantana, French marigold, verbena, pentas, nicotiana and moonflower.”

Submitted by Jennifer West, Hillsboro Garden Club.

The 2019-20 Hillsboro Garden Club officers are pictured with decorated markers they were awarded.
https://www.timesgazette.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/33/2019/09/web1_Hillsboro-Garden-Club-officers.jpgThe 2019-20 Hillsboro Garden Club officers are pictured with decorated markers they were awarded. Submitted photo

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