Hillsboro man facing 10 counts

A Hillsboro man was arraigned Wednesday in Highland County Common Pleas Court on a number of drug-related charges.

Wesley Howard, 28, pled not guilty and was formally charged with the following 10 counts: Engaging in a pattern of corrupt activity, a first-degree felony; aggravated trafficking in meth in the vicinity of a juvenile, a second-degree felony; aggravated possession of meth, a third-degree felony; aggravated trafficking in meth in the vicinity of a school zone, a second-degree felony; aggravated possession of meth, a third-degree felony; aggravated trafficking in meth, a third-degree felony; aggravated possession of meth, a third-degree felony; aggravated trafficking in meth, a third-degree felony; aggravated possession of meth, a third-degree felony; and a forfeiture specification.

According to the court, Howard must follow multiple conditions. He must report weekly to probation department for four weeks and as often after as determined by the department; submit to random drug testing; give his current home, cell and employer phone numbers; and have no contact with his co-defendant.

Howard’s first pretrial is scheduled for Oct. 13, his second pretrial for Nov. 4, and a jury trial for Dec. 12.

The court said he must, if recommended by the probation department, be evaluated for substance abuse or mental health, and if that treatment is recommended, enroll in complete treatment as recommended by an evaluator. He will also be under house arrest except when going to and from work, medical appointments, court appointments, appointments with an attorney or school, or going to church.

According to the indictment, Howard was indicted for engaging in a pattern of corrupt activity from Oct. 30, 2020, through Jan. 1, 2021, in Highland County, and that Howard and a co-conspirator, as well as other unindicted co-conspirators, recklessly and directly or indirectly employed by or associated with conduct or actions in an organization of a pattern of corrupt activity.

Reach Jacob Clary at 937-402-2570.

Most counts involve trafficking in meth

By Jacob Clary

[email protected]