Hillsboro FFA holds annual Ag Day for fourth-graders


The Hillsboro FFA Chapter recently had its annual Ag Day at Hillsboro High School. There were 156 fourth-graders who participated in Ag Day, and 117 FFA members were present.

The members within the stations worked hard to inform the fourth-graders about agriculture. There were 10 stations set up around the high school including a petting zoo, wildlife area, soils and creek, roping, dairy, pumpkin painting, candle making and more. Through these stations, the elementary students had the opportunity to learn about different animals, how to properly rope an animal, hunting safety and how important agriculture is to our everyday life.

Sophomore member Clifford Phillips said, “It was fun to walk around with the fourth-graders to all the stations and watch them have fun and learn about agriculture.”

The fourth-graders and chapter members had a great time. Once Ag Day was over, the officers held a meeting and had many fun games and activities set up for the rest of the day. At the end of the day, the members enjoyed bonding with each other and look forward to Ag Day next year.

Submitted by Ashley Kimball, vice president of community development, Hillsboro FFA.

Danyell Bick (center), a Hillsboro FFA member, paints pumpkins with fourth-graders.
https://www.timesgazette.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/33/2021/11/web1_AgDay.jpgDanyell Bick (center), a Hillsboro FFA member, paints pumpkins with fourth-graders. Submitted photo

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