Outstanding Junior Leader

During the Jr. Fair Awards Ceremony the 2022 Outstanding Junior Leader awards were awarded. Receiving the awards were Trinity Edenfield and Ethan Cummings. Cummings was unable to be at the awards ceremony do to college commitments. Pictured are Edenfield (left) and Kathy Bruynis, 4-H educator.

During the Jr. Fair Awards Ceremony the 2022 Outstanding Junior Leader awards were awarded. Receiving the awards were Trinity Edenfield and Ethan Cummings. Cummings was unable to be at the awards ceremony do to college commitments. Pictured are Edenfield (left) and Kathy Bruynis, 4-H educator.
https://www.timesgazette.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/33/2022/09/web1_Trinity-photo.jpgDuring the Jr. Fair Awards Ceremony the 2022 Outstanding Junior Leader awards were awarded. Receiving the awards were Trinity Edenfield and Ethan Cummings. Cummings was unable to be at the awards ceremony do to college commitments. Pictured are Edenfield (left) and Kathy Bruynis, 4-H educator. Submitted photo