Reunion revived at Penn Township School

Former students of the Penn Township Samantha School, along with their spouses or friends, enjoyed their reunion Sunday, Sept. 18 at the Samantha Friends Church Fellowship Hall.

The members visited and reminisced throughout the afternoon about days gone by. A delicious carry-in meal was served after which a meeting was conducted by Norma Gray Edwards. The eighth grade graduating class of 1962, being the last class to graduate from Samantha, was recognized during the afternoon reunion. Those class members were Sarah Chaney Bales, Bonnie Britton Parr, Tom Henson and Ben Teeters.

During the meeting, Norma asked all the former students if they would like to share about their lives since their school days at Samantha. They responded with very interesting stories.

Sympathy was expressed with the announcement of those members who had passed since the last reunion that was held in 2019. In spite of the difficulties with the pandemic in the past few years and the passing of members, it was decided to continue with next year’s reunion on Sept. 17, 2023.

Submitted by Richard Edwards.

Former Samantha School students that attended the Sept. 18 reunion included (seated, l-r) Gwendalyn Manning Bland of Somerset, Kentucky, Norma Gray Edwards of Leesburg, Sarah Chaney Bales of Samantha, Bonnie Britton Parr of Hillsboro, Donna Creed Miller of Sabina and Linda Ashley Lucas of Athens; (back row, l-r) Jeannette Fenner Knauff of Hillsboro, Tom Caldwell of Hillsboro, Roger Huffman of Hillsboro, Larry Jones of Englewood, Tom Henson of Leesburg and Ron Ashley of Samantha. Samantha School students that attended the Sept. 18 reunion included (seated, l-r) Gwendalyn Manning Bland of Somerset, Kentucky, Norma Gray Edwards of Leesburg, Sarah Chaney Bales of Samantha, Bonnie Britton Parr of Hillsboro, Donna Creed Miller of Sabina and Linda Ashley Lucas of Athens; (back row, l-r) Jeannette Fenner Knauff of Hillsboro, Tom Caldwell of Hillsboro, Roger Huffman of Hillsboro, Larry Jones of Englewood, Tom Henson of Leesburg and Ron Ashley of Samantha. Submitted photo

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