What can we learn from Mary’s song?

Carey Kinsolving

Contributing columnist

“The rich are empty and the poor are wealthy,” says Laney, 9.

We don’t normally think of the rich as being empty and the poor as being wealthy. But that’s what Mary said or sang to her cousin Elizabeth after being told that she was blessed among women because of the child she would bear.

“He has filled the hungry with good things, and the rich He has sent away empty,” said Mary (Luke 1:53).


At least 90 percent of all advertising would immediately cease if a law were passed that said ads must portray the wealthy as living empty lives. However, this doesn’t mean all rich people are empty. Remember, a rich man buried Jesus in a tomb that he originally planned for his own burial (Matthew 27:57-60).

Earlier in Mary’s song, she said that God has regarded the “lowly state of His maidservant” (Luke 1:48).

If Mary lived in our time, she would be called a “nobody.” She was definitely not homecoming-queen material. She didn’t live in the right neighborhood. She didn’t wear designer jeans. She would probably not have a date for prom night.

Mary was a humble, young woman living in humble circumstances. If a contest were held to choose the woman most likely to bring the Messiah into this world, she would not win. Yet, the Lord chose her.

“Mary was rejoicing as we should for everything we get during Christmas,” said Marcus, 12.

Yes, Mary started her song with rejoicing: “My soul magnifies the Lord, and my spirit has rejoiced in God my Savior” (Luke 1:46-47).

In spite of all that is written and said about Mary, she, too, needed a savior. There are no exceptions, not even Mary. If you want to look for reasons why Mary was different than most folks, look at her spirit of praise and rejoicing.

God blesses a lot of people. Some of them realize it. Mary had a divine perspective on life. She “magnified the Lord.”

I freely confess that I often magnify stupid things like the tailgater who hugs my bumper like he’s drafting me in a NASCAR race. It’s a rare soul who can keep his or her focus on the Lord in the midst of life’s struggles. Magnify the Lord, and your life will always be in balance. Like Mary, you’ll see life from God’s perspective. A full schedule won’t make up for an empty inner life. Be an answer to the Lord ‘s Prayer, “Your will be done on Earth as it is in heaven” (Matthew 6:10).

Mary’s song teaches us to trust God, says Miranda, 12: “God will never put you in situations that you can’t handle.”

There are many things Mary could have done after the angel Gabriel told her she was going bear a son who would be called “Lord God.” She could have panicked and thought about how totally inadequate she felt. Or, she could have become proud and thought about how the Lord chose her over all other women.

Mary chose to magnify the Lord and rejoice in her savior. “For He who is mighty has done great things for me,” Mary said (Luke 1:49).

Think about this: Mary magnified the Lord. She focused on God’s might and greatness instead of herself. Whatever you magnify will determine the kind of person you become.

Memorize this truth: Luke 1:46-47 previously quoted.

Ask this question: Who or what will you magnify this Christmas?

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