General News Submissions

The Times-Gazette encourages readers to contact us about a potential news story. However, the newspaper receives many requests and cannot pursue each one. Therefore, readers may submit news information. When doing so, please include: The name of the event; the times and dates of the event; a location for the event; the event sponsor; and a contact person and telephone number for additional information. For public service announcements, please submit the information at least 10 business days prior to the first publication.

Social News Submissions

The Times-Gazette publishes announcements for engagements, weddings and special anniversaries (25th, 50th, 60th, 70th, 75th) at no charge. Birth announcements are published at no charge. These submissions may include a photograph and brief write-up. For special anniversaries, two photographs may be submitted. Birthday announcements are paid ads at the non-profit rate (please ask for the advertising department). Items for the community calendar should be submitted 10 business days prior to the first publication.

Business News Submissions

The Times-Gazette publishes certain business announcements at no charge. These include new business openings, special anniversaries, and employee promotions. These submissions may include one photograph and a brief write-up. Special sales and other business promotions are paid ads.

Sports News Submissions

The Times-Gazette publishes local sports announcements as submitted by coaches, high schools or colleges – from events not covered directly by the sports staff. Publications of deer, turkey, fish and other wildlife photographs are paid ads.

Death Notices/Obituaries

Basic death notice information is published at no charge. This is limited to the name of the deceased, age, hometown, date of death and the funeral home handling the arrangements. A fee applies to obituaries that include the standard additional information; i.e. family survivors, occupation(s), club memberships and a brief biography.

Obituaries that do not follow the generally accepted guidelines will be published at the open display advertisement rate. All obituaries must be confirmed by a funeral home.

Opinion Page Submissions

The Times-Gazette welcomes letters to the editor and guest columns from area readers. Letters should be about current issues of general interest and should maintain a degree of civility and good taste. Letters that are potentially libelous will not be published. Letters are subject to editing for length, grammar, accuracy and clarity. Letters should be 300 words or less. Guest columns may be 400 to 500 words.

Anonymous letters or columns will not be published. Political Action Committee endorsement letters will not be published. Form letters will not be published.

News Tips

For tips on breaking news, contact the newsroom at 937-402-2522 or e-mail the editor at: [email protected].

Best Format for Submitting News

The Times-Gazette prefers to receive news and photos via email.

Email news stories or sports in plain text (not as attachments) to: [email protected]. E-mail photos as JPEGs.