Hillsboro Garden Club plans for summer

The Hillsboro Garden Club held its June meeting at Highland County Faigrounds Floral Hall in Hillsboro on June 27.

The meeting was called to order by president Judith. After standing and stating the pledge of allegiance, the minutes of the April meeting were accepted read by secretary Jennifer West.

The roll call question was “what is your favorite cut flower?” Eleven members and two guests gave interesting answers.

Treasurer Ruth Anna Duff and a number of committees gave their reports. The front of Floral Hall needs weeding.

The nominating committee presented a partial slate of officers for the 2023-2024 year. President will be Jennifer West, secretary will be Lynn Luman, and Ruth Ann Duff will continue as treasurer.

Nancy Baldwin moved to nominate Connie Hilliard as vice president. Larry Moore seconded the motion, and all were in favor. (Never miss a meeting).

The fair committee announced responsibilities are being assigned and workers will be needed during fair week.

President Judith will be attending the Ohio Association of Garden Clubs convention in July. She will give a report on the convention at a later meeting. Gardener’s Day Out will be Aug. 17-20.

After Judith displayed her Angel Wing Begonia, the meeting was adjourned, and the members enjoyed refreshments provided by Nancy Sonner.

The next meeting will July 25 at Floral Hall. All gardeners are invited.

Submitted by Jennifer West, Hillsboro Garden Club.