Biodiversity project at Weastec


In the past year, Weastec has taken steps to enrich the diverse ecosystem surrounding its premises in Hillsboro. In November 2023, a group of employees established Weastec’s Biodiversity Team, later named BioTEC, with the aim of utilizing the company’s land to restore ecosystems suitable for various native species of animals, plants, insects and others.

“We are actively collaborating with experts, stakeholders and local communities to pinpoint key areas where we can make a positive difference,” Weastec officials said in a news release. “Weastec … has emerged as a pioneer in promoting biodiversity, showcasing a significant shift towards sustainability. Our Hillsboro site spans around 150 acres in the beautiful hills of southwestern Ohio, offering ample opportunities to foster new biodiversity initiatives.”

The BioTEC team has already achieved significant milestones, including planting a 4,000-square-foot wildflower patch, acquiring two beehives, and installing a bat box on the hillside behind the Hillsboro plant, as well as creating a pollinator area outside the facility’s backdoor. The wildflower patch, beehives and bat box are visible from the Liberty Park Trail. The plants for the pollinator area were purchased at Griffith Gardens.

“They were extremely helpful in educating us on which plants we should pick,” the news release said. “We are grateful to Paps Hilltop Honey for generously donating two new beehives to our property. Each hive was established with approximately 10,000 ‘apis mellifera ligustica’ or Italian honeybees. Our very own Ethan Lewis and his brother, Evan, will oversee the hives on behalf of Paps Hilltop Honey.”

The bat box, crafted by Eric Lykins, father of two Weastec associates, Dustin and Wyatt, can accommodate around 150 bats.

“Bats not only serve as pest controllers but also play a vital role in our ecosystem balance. The installation of the bat box and pole was made possible with the help of Stevens Family Farm in Leesburg, who contributed their time and resources by digging the pole hole and transporting it up the hillside,” the news release said.

Most recently, the BioTEC team is in the process of fulfilling the requirements to become certified as a pollinator steward by Pollinator Partnership (P2). Team members have participated in educational webinars sponsored by P2 to enhance their knowledge about pollinators, which they will share with the rest of the Weastec associates.

“Pollinator Partnership organizes Pollinator Week annually to celebrate the crucial role of pollinators in our ecosystems, economies and agriculture,” the news release said. “This year, Pollinator Week runs from June 17th to 23rd, urging everyone to switch outdoor lights to orange and/or yellow for the week. Weastec is thrilled to support Pollinator Partnership by changing the exterior lights at our Hillsboro and Greenfield facilities to raise awareness about pollinators. We invite you to join us in this initiative.”

Information for this story was provided by Jennifer Ianson, corporate governance specialist, Weastec, Inc.

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