Lynchburg-Clay FFA excels at Big Eastern States Expo

Several Lynchburg-Clay FFA members recently participated in the Big Eastern States Exposition in West Springfield, Mass.

The Milk Quality & Products team qualified to represent Ohio FFA by earning second place at the State Milk Quality & Products contest. The main focus of this contest is raw milk quality, federal marketing orders and attributes of selected milk products. There is also emphasis on milk production, milk quality and safety, milk processing/manufacturing, and marketing of raw milk. Members must also identify various cheese products and have an understanding of the dairy industry.

The team consisted of the following members: Kelsey Arnett, Makayla Creed, Katie Kirk, Kara Williams and Elizabeth Zaremba (alternative member). Months and months of preparation paid off for the team as they earned second place honors. Individual honors were: Makayla Creed earned second place, Kelsey Arnett earned sixth place, and Kara Williams earned ninth place. The team was coached by Jo Heather Arnett and assisted by Larry Lokai.

Zach Davidson represented Ohio FFA at the Dairy Handler’s Contest by earning fifth place at the State Dairy Handler’s Contest. The focus of this contest was to properly and safely present dairy animals to individuals participating in the Dairy Cattle Judging contest. Daavidson earned seventh place honors.

Throughout this field trip the members were able to spend a day in New York City were they visited many different landmarks. It was a once in a lifetime experience for most of them since it was their first time being in New York City. Members toured the 9/11 Memorial and One World Observatory, saw the Statue of Liberty and enjoyed the Central Park Zoo. The group also enjoyed lunch at Cheers and visited Harvard University in Boston.

Thanks to the help from the support system through the FFA’s fundraisers, each member was able to attend at little cost. Also, thank you to the chaperones on the trip: Mr. and Mrs. Pete Davidson, Jo Heather Arnett and Stacie Rhonemus.

Submitted by Brandon Young, Lynchburg-Clay FFA reporter.

Zach Davidson is shown with the seventh place plaque he earned at the Big E Dairy Handler’s Contest. Davidson is shown with the seventh place plaque he earned at the Big E Dairy Handler’s Contest.

Pictured are the members of Lynchburg-Clay FFA Milk Quality & Products team that competed at the Big E Contest and earned second place honors. Pictured, from left, aare coach Jo Heather Arnett, Katie Kirk, Makayla Creed, Kelsey Arnett and Kara Williams. are the members of Lynchburg-Clay FFA Milk Quality & Products team that competed at the Big E Contest and earned second place honors. Pictured, from left, aare coach Jo Heather Arnett, Katie Kirk, Makayla Creed, Kelsey Arnett and Kara Williams.

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