Cole new Lions Club president

Past president Steve Pencel, left, passes the gavel to Hillsboro Lions Club Incoming President Larry Cole, center, last Thursday night. Past District Governor Richard Kisemore of the Leesburg Lions Club preformed the installation ceremonies for all new officers. This is Cole’s third time to be president during his many years as a member.

Past president Steve Pencel, left, passes the gavel to Hillsboro Lions Club Incoming President Larry Cole, center, last Thursday night. Past District Governor Richard Kisemore of the Leesburg Lions Club preformed the installation ceremonies for all new officers. This is Cole’s third time to be president during his many years as a member. president Steve Pencel, left, passes the gavel to Hillsboro Lions Club Incoming President Larry Cole, center, last Thursday night. Past District Governor Richard Kisemore of the Leesburg Lions Club preformed the installation ceremonies for all new officers. This is Cole’s third time to be president during his many years as a member.