
Vacation not all it’s cracked up to be

Here is the problem with going on vacation: You can take a vacation from work and you can take a vacation from school …...

It has been an honor to serve

I am doing something in today’s column I had previously advised Wilmington News Journal Editor Tom Barr and reporter Gary Huffenberger I would not...

A pragmatic approach to resolutions

As I pause to look back over my accomplishments versus my resolutions in 2018, I notice a couple of things. First, the overwhelming urge...

Picture worth a thousand thoughts

There it was, staring at me as soon as I opened a box, situated like someone had placed it there on purpose. How long...

We have too many laws

We have too many laws in our nation. This is a refrain which I have repeatedly reiterated in this very paper.Some examples from our...

She died of a broken heart

One of my favorite Christmas memories was one I shared with our son, Greg, several years before he was married.A week before Christmas I...

Shining light on the good

There is little doubt that bad news sells so well that bad is almost all we hear about. We hear about wars, humans treating...

Christmas magic in many forms

The magic of Christmas comes in many shapes and forms.I remember the shiny gloss of a purple-and-white J.C. Higgins bicycle at age 8. The...

Home is where you make it

I tend to be a home body. My wife is aggravated by this at times; she is more of a traveler and likes to...

Baby, it really was cold outside

The current controversy over the 1944 Christmas classic “Baby, It’s Cold Outside” reminds me of a time many years ago when a snowstorm blew...