
Why not build a skate park?

There has been talk recently about the city of Hillsboro placing a skateboard park on the old tennis courts at the city park on...

Our community lifts people up, and we’re blessed by it

It occurred to me in the course of The Times-Gazette’s first-hand coverage of numerous events over the past week how much our citizens are...

The GOP had three chances to repeal Obamacare, and whiffed every time

If it wasn’t so serious, it would be hilarious watching Republicans try to pass health care legislation – hilarious if you enjoy the kind...

How Facebook killed the high school reunion

I have never attended a high school reunion — not because I don’t like reunions, but more because I didn’t particularly like high school.High...

The firefighter quietly prayed

I remember the ride like it was yesterday.The Ohio River was muddy as we crossed at Cincinnati in our old Ford F-150. Our son,...

What to do with the Colony space? Start thinking now, show up Wednesday

What to do with the space that remains along North High Street in uptown Hillsboro between two buildings after the Colony Theatre was torn...

It doesn’t seem so long ago

Sometimes it seems like my high school days passed long ago, but other times it doesn’t seem that far in the past at all....

Dreams of Mendelssohn, Cash

I like to periodically take stock of my dreams. They don’t come often, but when they do, I become aware Felix Mendelssohn and I...

Hoping for the Parks & Rec job

The City of Hillsboro is considering the creation of a Parks and Recreation district. I hope they do, because I’ll apply for the job...

Friday is for high school football

Walking out of the back of the door of The Times-Gazette offices the other day, I heard a noise off to my left.It sounded...