
Seeing a Santa who looks like you

Darnell Collins doesn’t remember ever seeing a Santa Claus that looked like him when he was growing up.That just didn’t seem right to Collins,...

Smiling because of Tug

Like a lot of you, I have tried certain careers that just didn’t work out. As a young boy my dream was to be...

Losing shared bedrock of values, truths

Not too long ago, I was having a conversation with a friend, the former Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for Intelligence Coordination, also the...

Wonderful things worth the wait

Yesterday I bought a Christmas tree at the hardware store. I thought it was a good day to do it both because I’d heard...

When dogs attack … stuffed toys

When our 2-year-old dog sits still, he’s often mistaken for an oversized stuffed animal.He’s a white-and-brown “Goldendoodle,” a golden retriever and poodle mix with...

Thankful for things he doesn’t have

Like most of you I spent Thanksgiving eating turkey, which I don’t even really care for, with my family. We have all heard it...

Are the world’s autocrats winning?

Consider the dark fraternity of strongmen inhabiting today’s global political stage. Under the invisible cloak of counterfeit democracy lurk the likes of Russia’s Vladimir...

‘I know I’ve been lucky’

“It’s not about luck,” my friend Andrew insists, “it’s about gratitude.”Andrew is not some sort of New Age guide, in case you were wondering....

It was sad one day this week as I browsed through the Associated Press top stories of the day. First there was the story...

Fall trips and a nip in the air

There really for me is no better time to travel than autumn. So, until winter officially arrives 20 days hence, memories of my mid-October...