
We have two ears, one mouth for a reason

To use a term straight from the ’60s, Americans have been arguing with “The Man” almost since there has been a USA. There have...

Time to change Statehouse leadership

When I was teaching Chinese history many years ago, one of the texts I used was a book by William Hinton titled: “Fanshen.” Quite...

Hummingbirds aren’t very nice

My husband, Peter, is fascinated by hummingbirds.This year has been a difficult year for hummingbird watching as there has been a lot of competition...

Laws should be made by legislature

On July 22, 2020, Ohio Governor Mike DeWine held a press conference announcing that he was ordering every person in Ohio to wear a...

School and missing an old friend

A couple topics this week:In Friday’s edition of The Times-Gazette we published a letter to the editor criticizing the Hillsboro City Schools’ plan to...

We could all learn from children

My wife and I watched as the little boy, maybe 5 years old, slowly moved toward our 6-year-old daughter at the public swimming pool.He...

John Lewis and the Marching Mothers

John R. Lewis will rest peacefully on the right side of history. In physical stature, he was relatively small, only 5-6. In character though,...

Keeping track of where I am

It’s my birthday this week.This is not normally cause for a big celebration and this year it is less than usual. Still, unlike my...

The long haried country boy

It was a nice evening, in 1979 I believe, when some friends called at the last moment and asked if I wanted to go...

Into each life some rain must fall

We collect them and place credence in them as we go through life, those pithy aphoristic one-liners that remind us that the bird in...