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The mysteries of obesity

It’s time to review the five conundrums. It’s been awhile. The mysteries of obesity can be organized into my five conundrums. I don’t have...

Clutter at work and at home

While working as a quality inspector for Mid-American Cleaning Contractors, I make my way through a wide swath of workspaces, both workers’ cubicles and...

A T-shirt unlike any other

My landlord, Jorge, is a patron of the arts.When I imagine a patron of the arts, I imagine some fabulously wealthy person in the...

Thank you Highlalnd County

This is to thank all of those who helped and all of those who offered to help after our farm on Kincaid Road was...

A little lesson in oil

Gasoline is a big piece of everyone’s monthly budget, and filling up the tank has gotten much more expensive recently. Year over year most...

Please know you are not alone

Like everyone, Russia’s invasion of the Ukraine horrified me. Heartbreaking pictures of families fleeing for their lives shattered my perception of our fragile facade...

Another perfectly ordinary day

“Maybe I’m a little old for this dress?” I suggested tentatively as I made my way to the mirror in the little shop.I was...

Today, we are all Ukrainian

A few weeks ago, I wrote about Wilmington developing sister-city relationships with three communities in Ukraine. As I wrote that column, Russian forces were...

Reflections on Landon’s visit

During my teaching days, I always enjoyed doing with my classes John Greenleaf Whittier’s 1866 narrative poem “Snowbound: A Winter Idyl,” a poem inspired...

Jeff GillilandStaff columnist

While I have been encouraged by the Ukranian effort to fight for their land and democracy during the ongoing Russian invasion, I am a...