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An autumn Saturday routine

My father looked at me strangely when I pounded my fists on the family room floor, upset about something I saw on the television...

If it’s not one mouse …

Over the past 20 years I have written volumes about computers and other unfathomable gizmos. I got five articles out of buying one new...

Just the facts, ma’am

I write articles on education policy development primarily to expose the political shenanigans involved in creating laws governing education and to inform readers about...

He left a lasting impression

Every so often someone comes into your life and leaves a lasting impression, even though you never know them well.For me, one those people...

Beauty and warmth surrounds us

It is easy to give thanks when things are going well. It is harder to do so when life has dealt us difficult, demanding...

Thanksgiving is disappearing

It seems to me that our native-grown holiday known as Thanksgiving is slowly disappearing.Through the early years of our country various spontaneous celebrations of...

A true American icon

For many parents who were raising young children in the 1970s, ’80s, ’90s, and early 2000s, Fred Rogers was a comfortable daily presence in...

‘Pray for me people’

I recall my parents exclaiming in frustration, “I hope someday you have a son just like you!” Say it they did, and surely enough,...

The birds in the trees

This would never happen today, especially in the city limits with some help from the police, but it is a true story.I do not...

In search of an underdog

I don’t know about you, but I could use a sports underdog right about now.The world is so full of anger and animosity. I’m...