A message of hope from Greenfield city manager

“We are meeting in a very strange time,” Greenfield City Manager Todd Wilkin said as he began his report to the village council at its regular meeting this week. But he continued with a sentiment of community and hope.

“As I have said before, we are a strong community, and as long as we continue to express our care for one another, and pray for one another, we’re going to be OK,” Wilkin said.

It was a message he posted earlier in the day on the village’s Facebook page. In part, that message reads: “Let’s remember to pray for our community and each citizen. We have youth who are quarantined, businesses struggling to stay open, and rumors swirling. The best advice we can offer to everyone is to pray for our current situations.

“We pray every morning for the wisdom to make the correct decisions on matters of village business, and we would recommend this for everyone. We’re directed from the Bible in 1 Timothy 2:1-3 (KJV), ‘I exhort therefore, that, first of all, supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks, be made for all men; For kings, and for all that are in authority; that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty. For this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Saviour.’

“We may not know all the details surrounding this virus,” he continued. “We may not understand or agree with every mandate issued from our leaders, be it federal, state, or local. However, we should follow the guidance and instruction given in the Bible and pray for them …”

Across the state, country, and globe, restaurants and local businesses have been forced to change their operations or close altogether, Wilkin said in his report to council. People are concerned about the spread of the virus, he noted.

“Much attention is being diverted toward COVID-19. I can honestly say this issue has consumed more of my energy and efforts than is possible to admit.”

Part of that has been communicating with business leaders who are struggling to understand what all of the mandates and quarantines mean.

He noted there is a tremendous amount of information that is being sought, but is oftentimes hard to obtain. Even so, the village is trying to keep up with the changes in the state government, but more importantly to the local governments.

The village has shared an immense amount of information on the its Facebook page from the Highland County Health Department, Paint Creek Joint EMS/Fire District, and also Adena Health Center. Like and follow these pages for the most up-to-date information for our community, Wilkin said.

Every morning the village has started the day with an update from local Emergency Management Agency Director David Bushelman and the associated members of the EMA office. As of Thursday, the meetings are moving to a teleconference call in order to adhere to the state guidelines.

After Tuesday morning’s meeting with the EMA office, Wilkin met with Hillsboro Mayor Justin Harsha, Hillsboro Safety Service Director Brianne Abbott, and Hillsboro Public Works Director Shawn Adkins to talk about mutual aid.

“This mutual aid extends beyond police mutual aid, and ensures we will assist each other in times of need,” Wilkin said. “This is not a new thing, but rather solidifies what has been in place for years.”

As an example of how assistance might be provided, Wilkin brought up the municipalities’ wastewater treatment plants and the exchange of qualified operators should operators at either plant become ill.

“We want to thank Mayor Harsha for extending the offer to assist if necessary,” Wilkin said.

Greenfield Village Council meets in regular session the first and third Tuesday of each month at 7:30 p.m. in the council chambers on the first floor of the City Building. The public meetings will continue until mandated otherwise.

Angela Shepherd is a correspondent for the village of Greenfield.


Village and Hillsboro working to help each other

By Angela Shepherd

For The Times-Gazette