Hodson named HARA lifetime member

Former longtime Hillsboro resident Bob Hodson was recently awarded a lifetime membership by the Highland Amateur Radio Association (HARA).

Besides all of his devotion to Highland County, Hodson has also held an amateur radio license since the early 1960s, according to HARA Information Officer John Levo.

”Although his 29 years doing a local news program on WSRW exposed him to radio, Hodson became interested in amateur radio through his son, David’s, electrical project in 4-H. Both were exposed to the excitement of ham radio through fellow 4-Hers who were amateurs,” Levo said in a news release. “When the Clinton County radio club offered a class to earn licenses, both jumped at the chance. Each passed their tests that at that timewhich included being able to send and receive Morse Code.”

The Federal Communications Commission issued Bob the call sign WA8KTU and David WA8LCW.

During David’s time in college and when he lived in Dayton, they found ham radio an excellent way to keep in touch. Since 1964, Bob has maintained his license; however, moving out of state and life “getting in the way” caused David to let his license expire, according to Levo.

“Bob was a driving force behind the founding of the Highland Amateur Radio Association when in 1977 around 20 Highland County hams gathered in the Hillsboro Farm Bureau conference room to found the organization,” Levo wrote. “Hodson is one of only a handful of those charter members still alive.

In the meantime, HARA has grown to a membership of more than 140 mostly Highland County area persons either with ham licenses or interested in radio communications, technology and/or electronics. Federal Communications Commission (FCC) data indicates there are well over 200 amateur radio licenses issued with Highland County zip codes, Levo said.

The Club was recently recognized by the American Radio Relay League as one of the nation’s leading amateur radio clubs.

More information about amateur radio and how the hobby can serve a community can be found online at www.arrl.org. Information about Highland County’s HARA can be found at www.facebook.com/highlandk8ho, [email protected] or by contacting Levo at 937-393-4951.

A wealth of information about the club and its past activities may be found on the internet through any popular search engine, according to Levo.

Founding Highland Amateur Radio Association member Bob Hodson (right) receives a lifetime membership certificate from HARA Information Officer John Levo.
https://www.timesgazette.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/33/2021/07/web1_HARA-pic.jpgFounding Highland Amateur Radio Association member Bob Hodson (right) receives a lifetime membership certificate from HARA Information Officer John Levo. Submitted photo
Was a founding member when organization formed in 1977

The Times-Gazette