NW Street work on schedule

Road work on North West Street is progressing well, according to Hillsboro Public Works Superintendent Shawn Adkins.

“It’s actually going pretty well,” Adkins said. “The only snafus I guess we’ve had is we found some old line that was not on any maps we have. But, other than that, everything is going well … I’m very happy.”

Adkins said the project was “pretty close” to being on schedule. However, he also said that the city was having a little trouble getting some of its material.

The Times-Gazette on Sept. 7 reported that Adkins said the project would take about 90 to 120 days to finish.

“I just hope everybody can be patient with us. It’s something that’s been needing done a long time. I just don’t want to tear up a new road. So hopefully, everybody’ll just be patient with us and we’ll get ‘er done just as soon as we can.”

Adkins said the street was in “bad shape” because of multiple water main breaks over the years on the street. He also said some of the water lines were more than 100 years old.

“Here’s what happened is we know that we’ve been having a water break down North West Street and ODOT is coming in June next year to resurface that, so we were able to get the money to put the new water line in and some other stuff came through with hooking up private lines, and this time frame just worked out,” Adkins said. “Just so happened to work out so we could have it done before the paving in June of next year.”

Adkins gave an update on other road projects happening in the city, saying that a storm sewer project on the city’s south side was being worked on at the moment.

“They’re working on the southeast corner right now, over on Johnson, East South, Muntz, and as soon as they’re done with that side they’re going to move over to the west side, so it’ll be going on all winter long as far as that construction part of it,” Adkins said.

Reach Jacob Clary at 937-402-2570.

Road crews continue their work on North West Street in Hillsboro early Thursday morning.
https://www.timesgazette.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/33/2022/10/web1_road-pic.jpgRoad crews continue their work on North West Street in Hillsboro early Thursday morning.
ODOT expected to repave the street next year

By Jacob Clary

[email protected]