How can Christians love one another?

Carey Kinsolving

Contributing columnist

Christians can love one another “by saying thank you to each other,” says James, 7.

An attitude of gratitude goes a long way toward loving others.

“The hardest arithmetic to master is that which enables us to count our blessings,” wrote author Eric Hoffer.

To help with your gratitude math, start the day by writing down 25 things for which you’re thankful. After all, life is not so much what happens to you. It’s your attitude toward your circumstances that matters.

Christians are equipped to love others. We’ve been redeemed or purchased by Jesus Christ when he died on the cross for our sins. Being forgiven ought to produce a gracious, loving attitude even toward those who are difficult to love.

When Christians focus on the depth of God’s love, they’re not looking for love or approval in the wrong places. As Christians filled with God’s unconditional love, we’re free to love others without expecting anything in return.

Receive the gift of eternal life by trusting Jesus as your savior and turn the sojourn through this uncertain world into an adventure. We may not know “why” things happen, but we know “who” is in charge.

Circumstances will change, but God’s love never changes. This is what makes the testimony of Job so powerful. He lost everything, including his children. Yet through all his suffering, he never doubted God’s love: “The Lord gave, and the Lord has taken away; blessed be the name of the Lord,” (Job 1:21).

“We can follow Jesus’ command to love others by making friends,” says Gabriela, 8. “At home, I cook together with my family a lot.”

Friendship is one of the greatest expressions of love. Cooking meals is a tangible way to show God’s love. My grandmother loved to cook for us. We devoured her shrimp gumbo for all meals until it was gone. For years, my wife’s stepmother took meals to sick friends. No wonder she has so many friends.

So what about people like me who are dangerous in the kitchen? You can pray, says Robert, 8: “If you pray for your friends, they will get better. Covid keeps on spreading, but the virus is no match for God.”

I attended the funeral of a Christian friend who died of Covid. Friends and family prayed for him. He had served as a prison chaplain. Did God fail to answer our prayers? Not at all.

On the night before his crucifixion, Jesus prayed that his heavenly Father would take the cup of suffering from him. Yet Jesus also prayed, “Nevertheless not my will, but yours, be done,” (Luke 22:42b).

Christians can always pray for specifics, but they should remember that God’s sovereign will is more important than any desired outcome. Personally, I would rather go home to be with God in glory than to be in a state that requires around-the-clock nursing for a prolonged period of time. But that’s not my call.

Some people moan about not having friends. The Bible is so practical. “A man who has friends must himself be friendly,” (Proverbs 18:24). Friends confide in each other. They share things.

Think about this: The ultimate friendship is with God. Abraham was called the “friend of God,” (James 2:23). Jesus told his disciples that he no longer considered them servants, but friends. Why? “For all things that I heard from My Father I have made known to you,” (John 15:15b).

Memorize this truth: Proverbs 18:24 previously quoted.

Ask this question: How can you show God’s love to someone today?

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