Save A Warrior gets new colors on Flag Day

A number of veterans service organization staff members were on hand Tuesday for the annual Flag Day Service, held this year at the Save A Warrior site in Danville.

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On Wednesday, June 14 — Flag Day 2023 — a Flagpole Dedication Ceremony was held at the Save A Warrior (SAW) complex, Warrior Village in front of The National Center of Excellence in the community of Danville in Highland County.

Suzette Heller, director of engagement for SAW, welcomed the ceremony attendees and opened with by saying, “We gather here today to dedicate this American flag and flagpole which has been generously donated by (Hillsboro) VFW Post 9094, AMVETS Post 61, Mowrystown American Legion Roy W. Wilson Post 694 and Disabled American Veterans (DAV) Lloyd C. Ludwick Chapter 123” and an opening prayer was offered by Larry Turner saying, “Today we give honor. Today, we honor the sacrifice this flag represents to all of us. As so, as we go through this ceremony, may you bless the words and actions of us all, for your glory, and for the good of our community. Amen.”

The posting of the flag was conducted by nine members of the Highland County Veterans Honor Guard, led by Commander Rudy Diskete. Attendees were then led in the Pledge of Allegiance by SAW alumnus Shawn Carter.

Ronald “Jake” Clark, founder of Save A Warrior, gave comments of his significance of the meaning of Flag Day to him, and gracious praise to all involved in making this endeavor come to fruition, and then later handed out special Challenge Coins to all in attendance.

American Legion Roy W. Wilson Post 694 Commander Chuck Emery stated, “Our American Legion Post 694 was proud to be a contributor in raising the funds to see a flagpole become a reality. I would also like to personally thank Bill “Chap” Graybill of Ohio Valley Flag, Jon and Twyla Nave for digging the hole, Doug Hauke for the lift to get the flagpole set, Barr Construction for pouring the concrete and Brad Greene for the beautiful landscaping around the new flagpole location, as well as all the veterans organizations, individuals and others who contributed to the project — you are all greatly appreciated.”

Comments were also made by representatives of the other organizations that were part of the project: Dwight Reynolds, VFW Post 9094 senior vice; Lee Harris, commander DAV Chapter 123; and Paul Siders, adjutant AMVETS Post 61.

SAW Alumnus Josh Conrad recited the poem “I Am Your Flag Minute.” He said:

I am your flag.

I was born on June 14th, 1777.

I am more than just cloth shaped into design.

I am the refuge of the world’s oppressed people.

I am the silent sentinel of freedom.

I am the emblem of the greatest sovereign nation on earth.

I am the inspiration for which American patriots gave their lives and fortunes.

I have led your sons into battle from Valley Forge to the bloody swamps of Vietnam.

I walk in silence with each of your Honored Dead, to their final resting place beneath the silent white crosses, row upon row.

I have flown through peace and war, strife and prosperity, and amidst it all I have been respected.

My red stripes … symbolize the blood spilled in defense of this glorious nation.

My white stripes … signify the burning tears shed by Americans who lost their sons.

My blue field … is indicative of God’s heaven under which I fly.

My stars … clustered together, unify 50 states as one, for God and country.

“Old Glory” is my nickname, and proudly I wave on high.

Honor me, respect me, defend me with your lives and fortunes.

Never let my enemies tear me down from my lofty position, lest I never return.

Keep alight the fires of patriotism, strive earnestly for the spirit of democracy.

Worship eternal God and keep His commandments, and I shall remain the bulwark of peace and freedom for all mankind.

I am your flag.

Closing comments were given by Suzette Heller. Sue Turner, facilities manager, gave this benediction: “Our Dear Heavenly Father, Commander overall, we ask that you bless and consecrate this special occasion. We thank thee for our country and the many ideals for which it stands and for our flag which visibly symbolizes these American aspirations.”

Other ceremony attendees included officers and their spouses from the sponsoring organizations including the Highland County Veterans Services staff, members from both VFW Auxiliary Post 9094 and Support Our Troops Of Highland County and Save A Warrior alumni.

For more information on Save A Warrior, visit

Submitted by Stephanie Roland, fiscal officer, Highland County Veterans Services.