Democrats annual picnic Sunday


The Highland County Democratic Party will hold its annual picnic Sunday, Aug.6 at the VFW Hall (behind the Dairy Queen) in Hillsboro from 3:30 to 6:30 p.m.

The featured speaker will be Michael Donnell, justice of the Ohio Supreme Court. Donnelly has served as a justice of the Ohio Supreme Court since he was elected in November of 2018.

State Senator William (Bill) Demora, who is also secretary of the Ohio Democratic Party, will speak regarding Issue 1, which is on the ballot in this special election on Aug. 8.

The special election is for a ballot initiative which in the future, if it passes, will require 60% of the vote on any amendment, instead of the 50% plus one.

The menu will include pulled pork, cole slaw, baked beans, dessert and drinks served by Bonnie and Jill Parr.

Members are asked to bring a desert, or appetizer, a door prize, and an auction item. As usual, John Knauff will conduct a lively and fun auction.

Jolene Walker, president of the Highland County Democratic Women’s Club will hold a meeting at 2:30 p.m., immediately preceding the picnic.

All women are urged to attend.

The new party headquarters is located at 221 Chillicothe Ave. The have “Vote No on Issue 1” yard signs available for pick-up. Call Dinah Phillips at 937-466-2217, Pam Limes at 937-393-6534, Carolyn Goins at 937-763-1027 or Mary Hamilton at 937-840-8856 to arrange to pick-up your sign. Yard signs will be available at the picnic as well.

Submitted by Dinah Phillips, chair, Highland County Democratic Party.