Henderson a Home Town Hero


Wilmington Chapter 17199 of Modern Woodmen of America honored David Henderson posthumously as a Home Town Hero for 2023 in a ceremony held on Sept. 7 at the Clinton-Highland Joint Fire District. A hero certificate was presented to Henderson’s wife and family during the ceremony. Henderson passed away in July of this year.

Financial representative Dan Mayo said, “Modern Woodmen is pleased to be able to honor Dave for a lifetime of service to his community and his 50-plus years of dedication as a firefighter. We are so proud of Dave and all he did for our community and are privileged to honor him as a hero and have his family with us for the ceremony. Modern Woodmen will be donating $100 to the fire district in Dave’s honor at the request of his family.”

Judy Croghan, Dave’s daughter, said, “We appreciate the love and support of our community and this honor from Modern Woodmen for Dad. He loved the fire department and it was a huge part of his life.”

For more information about Modern Woodmen and its services, contact Mayo at 937-725-0445 or [email protected].

Submitted by Dan Mayo, Modern Woodmen.

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