Highland SWCD’s holds 81st annual meeting


The 81st annual meeting of the Highland Soil and Water Conservation District (SWCD) was held on Oct. 12 at the Backroom Paradise. During the meeting several awards were presented, including land judging, envirothon, and conservation poster contest winners were recognized.

Roni Schweiger of Dead Broke Farm took home top honors at this year’s meeting by being named the 2023 Cooperator of the Year by the Highland SWCD supervisors and staff. Schweiger was selected due to her determination to improve soil health and water quality throughout her pastureland operation. She has worked diligently with the SWCD and provides an outstanding example of how to incorporate conservation practices that will contribute to an environmentally and economically sound farm. Dead Broke Farm has taken on the challenge of protecting natural resources and continues learn about new technologies and techniques as they are developed.

The election of supervisors for the board of the Highland Soil & Water Conservation District was also held during the 81st annual meeting. There were three candidates running this year for two available positions serving a three-year term beginning January 2024. The candidates on the ballot were Dan Chambers, Mark Jolly and Jeff Roehm. When the election results were tallied Dan Chambers and Jeff Roehm were re-elected to serve on the Highland SWCD Board of Supervisors with fellow members Kyle Mustard, Jim Carr and Chris Cox.

Submitted by Pam Bushelman, Highland SWCD district operations manager.

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