4-H club presents demonstrations


In this meeting our demonstrations were done by Mason, Shelby and Andrew.

Mason’s demonstration was about safety when using sledgehammers, the proper safety wear like safety glasses, hard hats, and leather gloves. He also discussed the injuries that come with irresponsibility. Furthermore, he had named every part of three different sledgehammers.

Andrew’s demonstration was on fishing gear and the types of fishing hooks he prefers to use. To help everyone in the room understand what a fishing hook looks like he brought some of his very own hooks, with a diagram that pointed to different parts of the hook. He showed some of the sizes that he uses for certain fish — smaller the hook, smaller the fish. The bigger the hook, the bigger the fish.

Shelby’s demonstration was on what you will need for rabbits and some things you will want to know. For example, in her demonstration she said, “If you wait too long to clean out the poop tray the smell could cause an upper respiratory infection.”

Advisor Diane brought samples of some of the cheeses for the club’s fundraiser. The cheddar was sharp and the pepperjack was delicious. If you’d like to purchase some you can contact Amanda Muncy by email [email protected]. This fund raiser is ending April 21. Get some while the getting’s good.

Submitted by Shelby Schwalm, club news reporter.

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